Russell Fry Shows Shocking Clips Of Protests On College Campuses


At a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, Rep. Russell Fry (R-SC) spoke about free speech on college campuses and protests of people.

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  1. You know, I hate the nazis and things like that but maybe, we should show these people what nazis really are. Show them facism and what it really is.

    These kids do not learn anything anymore. It’s obvious in the way the youth are speaking and acting. They are being forced fed rhetoric from professors who never got happy in life and are failures.

  2. It wouldn't be hard to make this stop. Pass a bill stating either supression of free speech by the university or failure of a university to take reasonable action to protect free speech on campus will result in suspension of government funding to the school. 1 year suspension for the first offense, 3 years for the second, and permanent after a third.

  3. Those poor Jewish kids who were made to stand in the corner , Where they shot then like the 1000s of Palestinian kids , Did they still have a family , A home to go to after school ??

  4. Olleges have always been left wing . Their theory is they are the only line of thought. It is the thinking of under developed minds . Not only of behalf of students but also the never worked in any other invionment other than academia . The assumption is they are the intelligences of the world how have all the answers but having a sheltered life they will never know the true world.

  5. Are anti-war protestors desperately concerned with people they'll never meet on the other side of the world in a conflict they barely know about threatening minority groups immediately around them? You'd think they'd remember how that went with Japanese Americans way back when and not want to come anywhere close to that.

  6. The indoctrination in hatred is a serious problem at “captured” institutions. Defund them. Prohibit any foreign “donations” because the purpose is to buy influence. The results are obvious. Stop expanding by building campuses in foreign countries. The entire operation of post secondary institutions needs to be investigated for massive corruption.


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