Rockets Fired From Gaza Strip Rain Down On Israel After Hamas's Prior Surprise Attack


Rockets rain down on Israel after being fired from the Gaza Strip.

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  1. As an American, we stand behind you Israel! Bring back your abducted children, young women, and young men. You have the most powerful military in the world. Please bring them home.

  2. For years Palestine has been brutally attacked by Israel and thousands of innocent people were killed. Then when they do something about it, they're in the wrong. Awfully reminds me of bullies and students in a school.

  3. A land called "palestine" did NOT exist when God made a covenant

    with Abraham and Abraham’s descendants, the Jews, and it

    does NOT exist today. The land is called Canaan, now called Israel.

    Abraham is the first to be called Hebrew, it is noted in Genesis 14:13.

    According to Genesis 15:18 and Joshua 1:4, the land God gave to Israel included everything

    from the Nile River in Egypt to Lebanon (south to north) and everything from the

    Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River (west to east).

    There is NO such thing as a land of "palestine."

  4. Ooops…that seems like a lot of them didn't work. How many of them fell onto their own people? I. Sure they don't care either way.

    Glad to see the american weapons being put to use. Thanks Biden for leaving these during the withdraw.

  5. Когда бомбили украинские нацисты 8 лет Донбасс, ни кто не скулил, и не сожалел. Вот и я не буду сожалеть. Закон бумеранга ни кто не отменял. И мне всё равно.

  6. مردم ایران از شما اسرائیلی های عزیز حمایت میکنن و برای پیروزی شما دعا میکنن باید حماس بطور کامل از صفحه روزگار محو شود و حامیان آن نیز باید پاسخگو باشند و باید سر اوختاپوس را زد🙏

  7. Sad about kids there, guess the population isn't cheering anymore. Thousands of rockets instead of schools, water security, infrastructure, future for your people.😢 Cheer your own destruction.

  8. Каждая душа вкусить смерть и мы все вернёмся к Аллаху ,
    Как пришли так уйдём многие вокруг нас ушли и уходят
    Каждый за себя ответить,
    вся хвала Аллаху господу миров, каторая принадлежит вся небеса и земля и между ними

  9. I pray for both Israeli and Palestinians, it’s children being killed, humans losing lives to violence, how stupid ignorant and prideful can we be!! Please stop it! We need peace! Come to an agreement brothers and sister! Please let’s not make this go on any longer


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