Rocket & Land Attack on Israel from Gaza – LIVE Breaking News Coverage


Dozens of rockets have been fired at Israel from Gaza in a surprise rocket attack. The rocket fire is still ongoing. And infiltrators from Gaza are attacking Israel on land. Get the latest on the Gaza rockets being fired at Israel and land attack on Israel in our LIVE breaking news coverage.

Rocket alarms have been sounding at a number of locations in Israel. In this interactive live stream, host Steve Lookner brings you the latest updates on the rocket and land attack from Gaza at Israel, and he’ll also read your comments and questions on the air!

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  1. So many Israelites and their soldiers have been killed or weakened. or injur d I had the privilege of going in a armored bus to the Gaza , plant trees and encourage the Jews because Arial Sharon, PM at the time, was ousting the Jews from their lovely homes and green houses. They had no place to go, so many put up tents or stayed with friends or relatives. When the Arabs moved in they didn’t know how tgrow food like the Israel did, so the they would call the Jews to try to learn. They turned The Gaza Strip into a ghetto to this day. Ariel Sharon then their PM, decided to oust the Jews, t was a heart breaking day, after he ousted them, he went into a 8Yr coma. and died . He made a terrible decision. My heart grieves tonight and praying for them. They are so scared. The terrorists just walk into their homes and kill them or kidnap them and hold the Jews as POW’S . I remember how upset they were to give up everything get had. They left The Gaza about the time I left Israel. I weep tonight for what their going thru. They need our prayers. 2:48:18

  2. It has occurred to me that you repeatedly and persistently point out the magnitude of the Israeli intelligence failure here and you're not inaccurate in this , but you appear to have very little stick for the people perpetrating these atrocities, nor for their leadership. "Agenda Free". Yeah. Right. You are not subtle in expressing where your sympathies lie, though you pretend to be.


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