Reporter Grills Karine Jean-Pierre On Why Biden Is Waiving Laws To Build ‘Ineffective’ Border Wall


During Thursday’s press briefing, Karine Jean-Pierre was asked why Biden decided to construct more of the southern border wall.

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  1. The lady on the left seems like a good Man, the lady on the right seems like a stressed out Man.

    I had the same reaction, wondering why, then I pondered today while taking my bus ride.

    The Mexican Man will restore trees to the ground, the American Man will want more rivers around.

    Things work in the strangest ways, I imagine what my recently deceased dad would in his wisdom say.
    There's so much more pain in the human ways, forgetting the heavens that made night and day.

    We silently cry when we think of the guy that's a good person but keeps gang banging and purse snatching.
    Somehow ago, money became the king, and azreal broke angel Galiel's wing.

    I watched the neighborhood that looked out for me so get arrested and jailed and even hoe.
    I saw people like my twins, evil and fake, lying to Man and leading good astray.

    Catholic Churches are the last place that we go, when we out of options and hungry and slow.
    The women and men of the Catholic Church see the hearts inside that make grown men hurt.

    Kidnapped as a small, small child, my dad's twin told lies a wild.
    Never once did I hold his hand, never once did I get to meet the man.
    Ransoms I paid and tears I silently cried and just last week my Dad did die.
    Over the phone he would call me the name that my kidnappers gave me to save me some shame.
    Beaten and raped we both endured, but the few times we talked he would say Be Assured.
    We suffer for the good Men who suffer bc we've all in this boat that the devil did blunder.

    Give what you have while staying fed, you don't have to share your bed but make sure your spirit is fed.

    See the plight of the good Men who die, who go to jail over not having alibis

    See those that were lead astray and never ever forget to pray

    And be alert and way of the evil man for it's he who so easily destroys the land.

    My dad would tell me through the pain, our souls must have cared to agree to die to gain.

    Some parents die for their kids, some simply die bc of mistaken sins.
    Never forget to remember that evil is present in this planet which is why it's so un-level.

    Rivers they killed, trees they tore down, animals died and so did Man that's Brown.

    My father's twin was such a thief, pretending to be a kidnapped Man for some money and chief.

    My own quintuplets are.. Evil.

    A story from long ago says the angels in heaven made it snow. As the rains covered the Earth, the devil did smirk at the death of the.. Adami and animals and plants.
    The story goes that the angels did die so they could go for and protect the water from the sky.

    Whatever happens to fix this land, always remember God's loving, great hand.

    My father was murdered, I believe, then his body burned to hide him from me.

    My twins are so evil, deadly sin filled, with the jealousy hate the world will they kill

    But what it minds have forgotten is the truth that reincarnation is what makes Earth green blue.

    The snake in the garden was full of jealousy.
    Stay deadly sin free.
    Deadly sins are the manifestations of hubris.


  2. So KAREEN thinks a wall is ineffective, but the rest of Rational government, Including The Law (and people in general) say the Opposite.
    – Do we need any more proof this woman is a Pathological Liar?

  3. Only the government can reject deadlines till they are threatened then remove all tape to avoid getting in trouble. Our government needs to be punished more not the people. People need to start actually going to jail now for this crap.

  4. Our commitment to being in compliance with the law is so important to us that we are willing to violate a bunch of laws in order to be in compliance with the law. In fact, there is no law that we are not willing to waive in order to be in compliance under the law.

  5. How can this administration need $4b for the border when the wall was already paid for under DJT? This administration ordered the wall to stop being built from the beginning.

  6. Walls make good neighbors and stop or slow down illegal aliens. They have a wall in Israel that's quite effective. Hungary erected fences using prison labor that stops invaders. They aiso created a Border Guard and enforce immigration laws. The bus loads of illegal aliens sent by Governor Abbott and others have destroyed the myth of sanctuary cities. They're not happy to welcome unvetted criminals into their midst. The Democrat Mayors and Governors have rolled up the welcome mats. Illegal Aliens are not welcome in Blue States. When immigrants came to Ellis Island they had paperwork, got a medical exam, and they were interviewed to see if they would be able to get a job. Anyone unfit was sent home. It was an effective system unlike the chaos and anarchy there is now. Don't let people into the US giving them a court date and they will never show up. America doesn't need uneducated and unskilled people who will end up being a burden for US taxpayers. It's not working. FJB. Trump 2024. America and Americans First. 🇺🇸

  7. Thanks for admitting
    The brand-on lied when he promised there would not 1 foot of wall would be built if he got elected
    The big guy knew a part of the wall was going to be built because it was required by law
    And the strait up lied about it

  8. Ignoring & violating the rule if law.
    Going against the peoples wishes.
    Removing checks & balances for their own power.
    Putting their own interests ahead & above the people of America.
    Self serving authoritative positions for their own oppressive & exploitative purposes.
    As the middle class decreases, rich get richer & the poor suffer more.
    Income inequality is extreme.

  9. When Biden stop construction of the border wall his first day in office he deliberately sent the message that the border was open for illegal immigration. What he's proposing to do now is the bare minimum, doesn't change his open border policies and is a temporary con to stop the push back.


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