Rep. Matt Gaetz: I will move to oust McCarthy this week


CNN’s Jake Tapper talks to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) about his plans to file a motion to vacate House Speaker Kevin McCarthy this week.

#CNN #News



  1. Basically Matt Gaatz doesn't care about shutting down the government causing millions of service men an woman an American citizens not to receive a paycheck because that doesn't effect him because congress members are still able to collect their paychecks during a government shut down, thats never brought up an im pretty sure matt Gatez is hoping no one brings that part up.l

  2. Республиканцы конгресса преследуют цель создать хаос в США под лозунгом "ЧЕМ ХУЖЕ, ТЕМ ЛУЧШЕ". Они недовольны что временный бюджет принят при помощи спикера, которого сейчас отстранили. РЕСПУБЛИКАНЦЫ – ВРАГИ США.

  3. LOL! This is just hilarious, don't you think? The Republican Party has a heaven-sent opportunity to exploit some of the public dissatisfaction with Biden/Harris and what do they do? Shoot themselves in the foot by all their in-fighting! By the way, I don't like the look of that Gaetz character. His eyes are distinctly shifty…he's a Trumpite, isn't he? if he is not a total asshole then I'm a Dutchman!

  4. Plan financed by the British government wants to censor criticism of NATO and Ukraine on social media
    An international censorship campaign funded by the British government to combat news critical of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the West, responsible for supporting the Ukrainian conflict, was made public after the release of a 130-page report by the Tech Inquiry platform .
    Any subject contrary to the interests of the alliance was defined as "disinformation" or "fake news". The text was prepared by ten institutions in Eastern Europe and coordinated by an American public relations company. Between February 20 and April 30, news considered pro-Kremlin broadcast in 12 countries was analyzed.
    "The coalition included Armenia, the (Russian-speaking) Baltics, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine. This report presents findings from the project, both at the regional level and for each information environment individual. The information was produced with contributions from participating organizations in each country and from the partner", emphasizes the text.

  5. It's a shame the entire House isn't the target for a motion to vacate. They should all go. Gaetz is right on the money regarding $2.2 trillion deficits and $33 trillion federal debt. All of them need to go. They've unleashed inflation and de-dollarization will be the consequence. The only solution is an Article 5 convention of states to amend the constitution. They must require balanced annual budgets. The federal government must only spend what is actually collected in annual tax receipts. There must be a ceiling on the debt level. And equally important – there must be term limits for Congress. One 6-year term for Senators and no more than 3 2-year terms for Reps. The charades must end to save the nation.

  6. He went ahead Matt Gaetz and the other 7-Republicans plus the Democratc party and the results are to create liked a Revoked or Chaos to remove Speaker Kevin Mccarthy and the Count 208 Yes to Ousted Speaker Kevin Mccarthy so the Horrible. 8 after that happened all 8 of them should be expel from Congrees these 8-Sold out the Republcans, Conservative now back to square one to elect a New Speaker again the results the Horrible 8 should be Expel from Congrees before they do more damage to the House of Representives

  7. Now here's the Problem the majority of Republcans in the House of Representives worked well with Speaker Kevin Mccarthy on till the 8-Republicans plus the Democratc party sided with the Far-left Democratic so the 8, decided to work with the Democratc so here's the thing why should the 8, refused to work with Speaker Kevin Mccarthy and the majority of Republcans in the House of Representives they are better without the 8, that sold out the Conservative in Congress just expel the 8 about

  8. After the Ousted Speaker Kevin Mccarthy that the 8 of them cause plus the Democratc party so why keep the Horrible 8 that sold out the Conservative just dismissed the 8 in case they refused to work with New Speaker soon as they get one

  9. Ok since all 8 of you Ousted Speaker Kevin Mccarthy than as soon as we get a New Speaker than the Republcans can go ahead and dismiss or expel all the 8 they are no.longer part of the Republcans party


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