Ohio Democrat Flays Jim Jordan Ahead Of Potential Vote To Become Speaker


Speaking with the press on Tuesday, Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) spoke about the record of Jim Jordan.

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  1. you have to read and understand bills to vote on them unfortunately the members in congress fail to do this and just vote by party lines. congress needs to pass a bill that they have to read every page of a bill themselves and understand it before thy should be able to vote on bills and the bills should be able to be read in one to two days unlike the affordable care act that would take years to read and years to understand

  2. Anybody voting for Hakeem Jeffries is a traitor to the Constitution. We won't have a country left anymore if that Louis Farrakhan supporting traitor is voted in as Speaker of the House.

  3. I say it time and again – know any politicians voting record b4 you vote to keep them in a job they donโ€™t even do and/or just pay lip service
    What they do vote for or against matters ๐Ÿ™„

  4. Right now his job is to stand up against the democrats who are constantly trying to pass laws that undermine our individual rights. He stands for the Constitution, against people who appear to have never read it. That is enough for me.

  5. This is just a short snippet of someone who is against Mr Jordan. I am sure that he has very good reasons for voting the way he has. I trust him. We have so many RINOโ€™S already. I think that if I found out that he was one too, Iโ€™d stop voting!๐Ÿ˜ฏ

  6. I'm not really sure if "Suitjacketless Jimmy Jordan" is "for" white shirt dress codes or "against" wearing suit jackets, or just plain too cheap to buy a suit jacket? With all that lobby money he certainly should be able to afford even Brooks Brother attire!

  7. Voting NO because of ALL the other Far Left crap thrown in with the vote. Voting needs to be about ONE ITEM ONLY, Not multiple misc. Items thrown in and hiding underneath…

  8. who is this lady they got off cheap paying her to bash this issue gottsa luv the insane thoughts that come out of their mouth she says she doesnt know whats happening here then why are u talking duh

  9. The Republicans are the only grown ups at the table with the Democrats choosing to support Silicon Valley monopolies while shuttering small business during the Pandemic.

    And all the woke policy is causing confusion in our society.

  10. I just read a comment that said why he loved Trump was because he was for energy independence. Renewable energy sources WILL give use energy independence. Biden has recently approved to build a barrier at the Southern Boarder, so you can forget your objections in that area. The Democrats bill provided for more guards there will a Republican favored government shutdown will force these defenders to either work will not being paid.
    Your support of Trump is not based on recent developments. Don't be fooled by misinformation. More drugs are being confiscated and have you read about Jordan's failing the protect the members of the team he coached?
    Banning books to protect children is nonsense. As a nation, our education system is terrible. Banning books that contain sex is how kids get pregnant. As for homosexual content, books don't make people gay.
    Factual history is the only way we can stop repeating our mistakes. Do you think history teachers in Germany are forbidden to mentioning the Holocaust? In some parts of our country is why some teachers are being fired for teaching about slavery.

  11. Dems holding power means taxes support everyone ecept Americans dems are for open boarder an biden will get away with treson there will be no more votes liik around you ppl the dems are against Americans

  12. I would like to see a politician introduce a bill which would prohibit Senators and Representatives from owning any stocks or bonds whatsoever, with the exception of U.S. Treasury or Savings Bonds, which they would have to hold for the duration of their time in office. Get rid of the phony Blind Trust nonsense.They might have more incentive to work in the best interests of the people that way.

  13. nothing a democrat says in 2023 means a squirt, this is the worst admin we've had in my 51 years, these people have no credibility, the damage they are allowing our country to endure should be called nothing but traitorous,

  14. Jordan is for creating chaos, why it's allows unqualified people to go under the radar because they can't do the job! People in chaos and divided may be conquered because they are led by the motivation of fear. DO YOU BELIEVE PEOPLE IN MAGA ARE QUALIFIED FOR GOVERNMENT? MTG, Gates, Bobert, Gozart, TRUMP ETC. CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR!! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  15. You know what I'm tired of hearing? I'm tired of hearing about the lingering accusations around "Gym" (Jim) Jordan. The two main accusers,Mike Di Sabato and Dunyasha Yetts were both convicted criminals in a court of law. Mike DiSabato also had an ax to grind with his Alma Marta,THEE Ohio State University, when he lost his sports licensing agreement with them. In fact, DiSabato's brother Adam, tried to call him, through Jordan's second cousin Matt Finke a member of the NY Jets at the time. Adam wanted to apologize for the way his brother was treating him. Then there's Dunyasha Yetts, he swindled 2million dollars from his investors for which he received an 18 month prison sentence. In light of the 500 million dollar settlement in the Larry Nassar/ Michigan State case, these guys saw Dollar signs in their eyes. I mean that would take care of the lost revenue from the licensing agreement, not to mention paying
    restitution to Yetts' defrauded investors. There were others that made accusations, but none of their testimony would pass muster in a court of law. Statements like, " Jim's locker, was right next Strauss', he had to know", "there was talk all around the locker room, how could he not know?". Hearsay and conjecture make for very poor testimony. These accusers also said that they never discussed nor heard anyone discuss the accusations with Jordan. Yet they also spoke very highly of him. Above all, he was never charged with anything. So stop your Bullshit and move on. Just for the record I'm Andy, Annmarie's husband and I'm responsible for the content of this post not her.

  16. There should be test given to politicians and their education levels and grades should be made public knowledge with their tax returns to get the right peoples in these jobs , who will retired at 65 yrs, so fresh minds take over !

  17. I listen to our government descend into a monkey-jabber of mutual recrimination and vilification, and wonder how we ever lost sight of George Masonโ€™s idea of the public servant.

  18. Meantime back at the American homes, people are wondering how to make ends meet. Ukraine is wondering if aid is coming. Israel has multiple fronts to defend. Take your time getting the kids straightened out in Congress.

  19. People if you are a conservative individual and you belong to the repugnican party it is time to get out. This party no longer represents conservatives. I encourage you to look at the Constitution Party. Go research the platform of the Constitution Party and see if it aligns better to your ideologies. The repugnican party has failed all true conservatives. Nothing will change unless you take the necessary steps to change the same old outcome. Apathy is not an option!

  20. REALLY ?!? T H A T was F O R B E S that posted this most splendid Representative?!?
    (OMG, did THEY get notice of being hauled up on defamation charges?? A glorious change, whatever prompted it!!)

  21. Being a Democrat I GUARANTEE the bill she's referring to was not just "pension benefits". He's a conservative, their should be no government "pension benefits" for non-governmental employees. NONE. Why should taxpayers fund private employee's pensions?


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