More than a million Gazans told to move south by Israel


Israel’s military on Friday called for all civilians of Gaza City, more than 1 million people, to relocate south within 24 hours.



  1. Genocide with a side course of a land grab $$$$$$$$$$$.

    Israel doing the white world dirty work against the Arabs.

    this land grab has been in the making for 1/2 century.

    thank the US failed policy for the next 911s.

  2. Israel and Egypt have been blockading Gaza for 16 years and not letting people out and not letting imports in. Egypt doesn't want more poor people, Israel doesn't want muslims and the other muslim countries want it that way as an irritant to Israel. It's a deliberately created prison ghetto with more than enough blame to go around.

  3. Here is a solution to the evacuation of Gaza. Open the borders and let all the children and women out of Gaza. Men 18 years of age or older have to stay in Gaza. Once this is complete then the ground invasion can commence and there will be no Civilian casualties.

  4. 😢😢😢😢
    some of the Jews taken by Hamaz are being kept inside the buildings destroyed in air strikes…😢😮please share and comment this terrible fact until it reaches the concerned… don't let them die more…by their own country…

  5. Israel and its backers have to look at the repercussions of excessive unjustified use of force, brutal measures, and mass destruction. History moves in cycles, and Israel's opponents may justify doing the same in future conflicts once the shaky weak Arab regimes toppled.. What goes around comes around. Wise and measured use of force guarantees future safety.

  6. Think of it this way.. Gaza is a concentration camp for Palestinians "Palestinian auschwitz" if you will.. And netanyahu is the new hitler starving the people of gaza bombing indiscriminatly trying to commit genocide and wipe an entire country off the face of the earth wake up israel!!

  7. They take me out of my house! And they live in it! If I defend my right, call me a terrorist. How dirty you are, Israel. Who among you could have this happen to him? Think about humanity. Read history, and you will know that the word Israel does not exist. Everything that happened was an expected result of what Israel did of terrorism and violence. What do you expect from a person? You took his house, his land, his future, and his dreams…this is what you planted, so taste what you sowed.


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