MEGHAN’S NEW PARTNER … ?REVEALED – LATEST NEWS #breakingnews #meghanandharry #meghanandharry





  1. Meghan has a strong support from her Doria and her ex jailhouse gang. Harry has been under a voodoo spell and threats to behave in this way. He could be crying out for HELP in an indirect way.

  2. I still think Malicious has put millions away under her mother’s name,probably real estate bc it would be a bigger search than putting money in different banks. M is always planning her next vile move. She is number one at the top of the list. Not her mother, husband, or children. Any rewards she has been given seem to be connected to Democrats. Apparently, the want to back her political aspirations. She is top notch at lying & deceiving as most politicians, but they seem to have forgotten that she never holds up her end of any bargain & she doesn’t work. She only does what she wants for attention & all the money she can get. She will use anyone & do anything for these means!

  3. she has tried out several it seems! What a tawdry man she is..incredible She took on Harry for perks and is busy insisting she gets them. King Charles needs to stop pandering to her as all she wants is to run our royal family. Her mother is expecting all sorts of things from the Royal family and was furious as Meghan didntgo to the coronation as she, Doria, would miss out on a gif from Charles????? yet again wanting something for nothing. Both she and Meghan are money grabbers but not special as they now believe.

  4. So its doria ans megan whi run harrys world. Well doris was in prison for about 5 years not a mother then so what can she di for meg. Oh teach her all about prison life and how to use and abuse all u meet. Rotten pair. No use to world just live for themselves. No news about these 2 is Good news.

  5. M will never have any clout like she thinks she has. Doors only opened because she married a prince. After she dumps him, she will be dumped by the world, because she was at best a D list actor and now is just a money trigger and liar..

  6. She may let her Mother hang around with her. But it's Tyler Perry she'll try to partner up with. He's got the Facilites and the money. I wouldn't be surprised if he became #2. Harry's served his purpose and is of no further use to her. Perry's got the connections she needs.

  7. You’re 100% right. Everyone sees this but Harry. He’s willingly handed over his entire life to Meghan and she’s taking everything including his self worth. He’s never going to trusted again. If he returns to the Royal Family I doubt the public will ever see him in the same way. He’s said & done too much. He should go to Africa, which he loves, and volunteer for awhile and get out of the media and heal himself.

  8. Any bloke who gets involved with worn out MM must be or would have to be extremely desperate to get used abused ripped off and made a fool of. Money might make her happy for awhile but a leopard never changes their spots. Shes like an old hag very over used by date and extremely worn😂😂

  9. The former cable TV actress is always acting, isn’t she?
    Her big mistake was miscalculating how much money Harry actually had. When she found out he wasn’t as rich as she’d hoped she put him to work to earn more money. Harry would never dream of doing a book on his own. It’s sad that he’s stuck in his trauma and never ending grief. In the end he’s an adult and responsible for his choices.
    Now Meglomaniac is on to her new partner. Mommy Dearest.
    Chelsea Davy must be breathing a sigh of relief that she dodged the bullet.

  10. All know where Megan's deposit box is ,and that is in between her legs it must have been running low,and the deposits must have been fewer than usual,and her mother is the banker

  11. Its Henry's destiny….They brought him down to their level.This Prince lost his way,his dignity,his legacy,his birthright.He was born a Prince but it was not meant to last.Someone turned him into a toad.And MM grins from ear to ear as if nothing is wrong…How painful this must be for the RF.

  12. Doria is getting her own back now because Charles took her security allowance away. Meghan needs mummy now because Harry’s ran out of money but she knows Doria has a few million squirrelled away so she’s using her mother this time to gamble that money. Heaven for bid !!!!!

  13. Sean, we had a wonderful UK trip in early June and a site I might suggest – through probably to far away for you – are the 21 locks nearby to Stratford on Avon. We found it fascinating.

  14. I feel sorry for him there's one that loves more than the other I feel sorry for there children but he's the better one what goes around comes around this will all be history for them that life it takes two to tangle one has to suffer more .


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