1. Don’t be fooled, Neil. If you look, you’ll find other people who have the same nose as she used to have. Linda Grey from Dirty Dancing, regular people in LA. My sister has the same nose as MM did and she looks surprisingly just like her. I’ve always disliked my sisters nose but I’m afraid to say anything because she’s very sensitive about it. We had a rather cruel mother who always ridiculed her and myself for our noses. “You’re so ugly with that nose that no man would ever want to marry you. “You’ll never have friends because you’re so ugly with that nose.” You better hope you get a good job so you can afford a nose job before you even think you’re going to have a happy life.” Etc.
    I was proud of what the Lord had made and I was Not going to let someone bully me into altering His work. My sister on the other hand was a different story. She believed her and worked diligently to save the money and get it done, sadly.
    Those noses were a dime a dozen for 10 years.

  2. I’m not trying to be mean however, her nose literally reminded me of a platypus bill…. It doesn’t look that way anymore…. So something happened more than makeup.

  3. For once in your life you have some grace to speak positive about Meagan.
    I believe that soon and very soon everyone will take back all the evil thoughts that has been rendered about this beautiful woman.

  4. I never thought about her nose one way or the other. Maybe she had it fixed ( not a crime), maybe not. Who care
    But. Now that she has made a big old effing deal about NOT having plastic surgery. I believe she has had her nose fixed twice . Contouring is not THAT effective. Niel .
    I still dont vate. Now its just another lie 🎵 to add to her 10 mile scroll od lies
    🎵 Sung to the tune of " Just another gigalo".


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