Maine mass shooting suspect Robert Card found dead


A press conference is being held Friday to share the latest updates about the search for the mass shooting suspect.

Latest on death of Robert Card:
Friday’s developments:
Learn more about the victims:



  1. They need to educate people about blue papers! His inner circle should have blue papered him. He was hearing voices, having paranoid delusions and had made threats! This could have been avoided!

  2. The Animal Planet has had series North Woods Law and Lone State Law both of which feature Rangers who do a very measured following of hunting season..investigating instances of illegal catches right down to the size of fish one can catch. They follow up on alleged poaching situations and property trespassing.

    But when it comes to an awareness of legal firearm ownership and your neighbors with mental health issues employers with employees that may be raising red flags with their a society we lack awareness and a call to address danger signs. We value individual rights. It seems as a society we could really resolve to have safety nets that better ensure community safety.

    It seems local officials are tasked with coping with the aftermath of these tragedies while the attention and pride rangers show to following the law on safe hunting of animals is not commonplace in protecting us from one another. It’s a systemic failure more than anything. It gets back to community based goals especially since firearms are everywhere.

  3. Public outcry the American people need a forensic autopsy on Robert Carr we need to know the prescriptions the mental facility gave to Robert Carr we also need to know was it of the top 10 list of the most dangerous drugs on the market this could be malicious this could go down as a misdiagnosis😮

  4. I really feel the warning signs were there he already threatened Personnel at a military base. Why in the world was he not kept an eye on. It seems like every time there's a mass shooting it's somebody that has some type of mental history. Is this just an excuse or is this really what's happening and we are unable to contain and watch these people. I think it's time to put more money into mental health instead of giving it to other countries. I don't know if that will solve the problem or not I'm not an expert and I don't know everything. I have been in the mental health industry and it is definitely lagging behind

  5. When this all started I was watching a episode about two survivors of the Columbine shooting and the young man was so much in pain because they kill his sister first and then went into the library were he was and witnessed them killing those poor students and injured others and when he found out about his sister he lost it but he got a mentor and he said forgiveness is like a prisoner being released and you're the prisoner , usually I would have really said something horrible but after that I'm changing my whole outlook and we must forgive ourselves as well if we want change and move forward we must forgive ourselves and remember this our creator has ever lasting grace, and we don't deserve it but they give it to us anyway, my heart and soul goes out to the victims and their families this also means I'm not handing my weapons anytime soon either it's a last line of defense from real monsters, and they're not going to win.


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