Maine mass shooting: 20 believed dead, person of interest sought


At least 20 people are believed to be dead and dozens more are injured after a shooting in Lewiston, Maine, multiple sources told ABC News.

The shooting on Wednesday evening may have unfolded in multiple locations, including a bowling alley and a local bar.

#maine #shooting #lewiston #breakingnews #abc7news



  1. The US is just a ticking time bomb ready to explode. Mental instability is on the rise and unchecked. Zombieland is on the rise. Drugs galore. Got people walking around as NPCs with a lack of any morals. Got hard times economically coming up…a govt of elites who just don't care enough about it's own people regardless of the party lines. Got war on multiple fronts with BRICS+ rising to power. Got so many psyops and propaganda against us. The food here is unhealthy, Big Pharma just creates more problems than they solve. They say this is the fall of the West…I'm not surprised.

  2. The U.S has been on its way down for many years sadly . The liberals and leftists democrats have really destroyed this country. Sad sad times . Ppl are more worried about their pronouns instead of helping people who actually need it.

  3. This is costing our country money shutting down towns. There are already more guns than people that Maine. Those Americans need to strap up and get to work on time. One little gun shut down your state. You know how many guns a night we hear in Portland?

  4. The same day 115 people died in traffic, 1,400 died of cancer, another 1,650 died of heard disease. Any mass shooting is obviously tragic but it is incredibly over hyped compared to many other much more likely causes of death. In terms of the nations top causes of death dying to gun violence doesn't even make the top 10, and dying in a mass shooting doesn't make the top 50. Currently mass shooting is number 76 in the nations top way to die. Yet this is in the news constantly. The goverment officials spend ridiculous amounts of time TALKING about it, with no significant action taken. Its like having a patient in the ER with a knife in their chest and the doctors choose to focus on the fact that the victim also skinned their knee, so they stand around for 20 minutes while the patient bleeds out talking about how he skinned his knee, what they can do to treat the skinned knee, and how they might be able to prevent skinned knees in the future. Its ridiculous.

  5. My heart goes ou—
    Out to all of the thousands, and eventually millions, of innocent Americans who have died, and will die, due to mass shootings until someone finally has some fucking sense.

  6. It’s obvious these shootings are planned by the fake shadow government and by a fake Joe Biden. The empty seats at table across the country are from the warp speed miracle. No word about that?

  7. No connection..Hammer guy at Nancys House to be killed in saving our leaders….This guy crazy also…..Could it be these crazy people are promised someting and snuffed off…Nahha . Thats thin…But I like thin


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