Israeli soldiers conducting operation at Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital


Israel is now saying its military has control of Gaza City Center. This comes as the largest hospital there is becoming a graveyard without power, water or basic medical supplies. Staff at al-Shifa hospital tell NBC News they buried 80 people in a mass grave. NBC News’ Raf Sanchez reports.

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#Israel #Gaza #IDF



  1. The Israeli terrorist occupation forces stormed Al-Shifa Hospital 20 hours ago after they besieged it for four days and prevented anyone from entering or exiting, or from water, medicine, or food. They bombed the water tank and the emergency department building, and its soldiers are now occupying all the buildings. The doctors, patients, and displaced people are in a state of terror and panic until they did not find any. Evidence of the presence of Hamas, and it seems that he is thinking about creating and fabricating any video to justify his crime. He has not yet been discharged from the hospital

  2. Let me help you with this NBC, Israel offered to help the hospital but Hamas refused.
    Most of the dead bodies lying in the street are Hamas terrorists.
    Many of the people dying in the hospital are wounded terrorists..
    Hamas is making the doctors treat their fellow terrorists instead of helping civilians.
    You're welcome.
    NBC hates Jews and supports terrorists.

    From the same network that said 250,000 people marching for Israel in the US was "thousands".

  3. Hamas is responsible for these atrocities also. Their depravity of causing the death of babies, then displaying them as propaganda give putrid insight as to their methods. It’s inhumane.

  4. A nation can't attack hospitals filled with innocent children with bombs and missiles without losing whatever moral justification they have. An organization claiming to represent an oppressed and persecuted minority can't use infants and mothers as human shields without losing their moral credibility. Both sides in the Israeli and Palestinian conflict are guilty of terrible human atrocities and war crimes. The US supporting either side is willful blindness.

  5. BBC Issued Apology

    This is information warfare!

    "As BBC News covered initial reports that Israeli forces had entered Gaza’s main hospital, we said that “medical teams and Arab speakers” were being targeted. This was incorrect and misquoted a Reuters report. We should have said IDF forces included medical teams and Arabic speakers for this operation. We apologise for this error, which fell below our usual editorial standards. The correct version of events was broadcast minutes later and we apologised for the mistake on air later in the morning."


  6. A major scandal and the scandal of the century… After the false story of the Israeli army that there is a city, tunnels and the leadership of Hamas under the hospital… an Israeli official comes out before us today to depict to us that they found resistance uniforms and a Kalashnikov weapon… Is there an army as decadent, lying and criminal as the Israeli army… Today the whole world has become He knows the truth about this army that killed children, women and the elderly, and all the stories they were saying are just stories about entering the hospital, expelling the sick and injured, and making it a military base for their army.

  7. This Hamas received a lot of money from Qatar and must have other properties spread across Qatar and other countries, as well as a lot of money. I still think that the intelligence system failed, which should have carried out espionage work since Hamas entered the Gaza Strip after Fatah lost the elections and the espionage work would have mapped everything, presented knowledge about the plans for both construction manholes and tunnels, mapping them, as well as the exact moment in which the kidnappings took place. Then it would just be necessary to neutralize it at the right time, with the right siege, and with the element of surprise added to the mapping. Now the task is arduous and requires reverse engineering both on Hamas's underground Vietnamese method, which is fragile in relation to the excellent work of Israel and USA together, but due to the relative complexity due to the fact that Hamas places the population as a human shield (as many do not want to leave the Gaza Strip) and taking advantage of this fact, Hamas moves within the population to dismantle hospitals and blame Israel. Hamas certainly has only one card in its deck, which is to have more than 230 kidnapped people who, due to their large numbers, must be kept in large captivity, somewhere underground where there is a diversion of attention, which could be under a hospital or diverted to Palestine. . Without the population as a shield, Hamas would be easily neutralized and extinct like dinosaurs. And it is certainly in hospitals or in some basement of a place with intense access to the public that Hamas maintains captivity, or captivity because more than 230 are kidnapped. Imposing the population's withdrawal and following their every step will certainly lead to captivity and strip Hamas of its only 2 cards in hand. Remembering that the Gaza Strip was administered by Egypt and then by Israel, which encouraged direct elections and FATAH participated in these ( moderate Muslims) and Hamas, which won and prevented new elections, creating a dictatorship in the Gaza Strip. However, the war has already been won by Israel, because intelligence wins over the violent because the language of the violent will always be poor, fragile and lacking in intellect. Hamas receives a lot of money from rich countries like Qatar but Hamas keeps the population poor, imposes its rules under penalty of death and with the money received its leaders enrich themselves by diverting money to luxurious lives outside the Gaza Strip and they are not even grateful for the fact of Israel to provide them with water and energy. Rich, manipulative, dictators, their leaders were not enough with many submissive women, dreaming of dominating the world and killing all who do not obey them, something we saw with Hittler in the Second World War, but the world today is different and the dream of FREEDOM has become possible for everyone and the world finds itself faced with a repetition of nightmares of violent men who come to power and want to keep people like in the time of absolutist kings who ordered people to be killed who they didn't like, and society today has access to intelligence , the dream of separation between the religious state (theocracy) and the secular state (which respects all religions without imposing just one), democracy (direct elections for representatives of the people's interests) because the people no longer accept the Middle Ages, dictators, and certainly elects representatives to see their rights guaranteed. Certainly the kidnapped people can be divided into small groups in captivity – they can even be in some screens as if they were patients, kept under duress at arms in small groups of 2 or something like that and, in the middle of that large number of patients, they must not be being perceived by doctors, nurses and circulating staff. If Hamas released groups of 2, they may be kept in groups of 2, but the only people who can confirm this are the freed kidnapped people. Let us remember that some people may know where the kidnapped people are, but for fear of dying they say nothing. For all this, FORWARD ISRAEL, GOD IS WITH YOU AND GOD IS THE ENGINEER OF LIFE, THE CREATOR OF INTELLIGENCE AND IS WITH YOU AHEAD….

  8. The aids were taken from the hospital. The old man they filmed them selves helping him was shot by them after the filming. They brought weapons and claimed that it is for Hamas. They shot people and striped their clothes. They attacked the patients in their beds and arrested the surgery doctors. They destroyed all entrances and rooms of surgery…

    No matter how low you are , remember Israel exists

  9. Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and a crime against humanity
    Israeli authorities must be held accountable for committing the crime of apartheid against Palestinians, Amnesty International said today in a damning new report. The investigation details how Israel enforces a system of oppression and domination against the Palestinian people wherever it has control over their rights. This includes Palestinians living in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), as well as displaced refugees in other countries.

    The comprehensive report, Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime against Humanity, sets out how massive seizures of Palestinian land and property, unlawful killings, forcible transfer, drastic movement restrictions, and the denial of nationality and citizenship to Palestinians are all components of a system which amounts to apartheid under international law. This system is maintained by violations which Amnesty International found to constitute apartheid as a crime against humanity, as defined in the Rome Statute and Apartheid Convention.

    Amnesty International is calling on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to consider the crime of apartheid in its current investigation in the OPT and calls on all states to exercise universal jurisdiction to bring perpetrators of apartheid crimes to justice.

    Our report reveals the true extent of Israel’s apartheid regime. Whether they live in Gaza, East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank, or Israel itself, Palestinians are treated as an inferior racial group and systematically deprived of their rights. We found that Israel’s cruel policies of segregation, dispossession and exclusion across all territories under its control clearly amount to apartheid. The international community has an obligation to act

    Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General………….

  10. And…..Israel lies again. They found 4 guns. This is why they murdered 10,000 people? Or maybe it's the final stages of an ethnic cleansing like the government has said several times now?

  11. You see Americans, the Hamas you talking about in the hospital are either newborn babies needed rescue & incubators, mothers in need of labour, overwork doctors, innocents civilians taking refuge at hospitals, children need of care, & simply wounded civilians.

    Oh also, the underground base complex IDF mentions is just another underground carpark.

    Those people bloods are in your gov hands & your tax dollar pays for those suffering.

    What a shame of a nation.

  12. How can weapons be stored in the MRI room when it is made of metal? Everyone knows that MRI does not work if there are metals. The other matter is how these (few) weapons are arranged in this order and coordination in the shelves and on the ground (they are clearly visible when photographed), and they are equipment for an army that uses it every minute. What is strange and funny at the same time is that how can a place that stores weapons for an army only have these few weapons? Is it really worth killing innocent children, women, and premature infants by suffocating with bomb gases and dust😢😭? And blowing up the hospital, putting it out of service, and depriving all these children and women of receiving health care, so that they end up dead in the hospital corridors 😢Only finding 10 weapons and a bag, shame on you and everyone who believes you. This is just to justify the genocide and massacre they are carrying out. It is very clear that you are the ones who carried the weapons, arranged them, and photographed them. If you had at least brought with you a larger number of weapons, your argument would have been more honest, but this is to be expected for a people who only know how to lie.

  13. So if we don’t find weapons and underground tunnel system in basement at the hospital, will there be an apology and reparations to the dead in pursuit of this?

  14. Israeli Zionists might as well change the Jewish calendar now so it all starts on 7th October 2023. They look so pathetic and desperate trying to defend apartheid and ethic cleansing. Shame on them and anybody that supports their lies.

  15. Why does the United States support the killing of so many people?
    Whats wrong with Wmericans, Canadians, the British and Germans to support rhe killing of babies like this?

    How are you any better than those terrorists if not even worse?!




  17. Most bigoted and racist reporting I have ever seen. As a journalist you must verify your sources and at least have some background knowledge about the situation you are dealing with. EVERYONE new there are tunnels below the hospital because ISRAEL put them there. The fact that you found tunnels????? is not a revelation but COMMON knowledge. The real evidence is if Hamas was using those tunnels for military basis AND had somehow expanded on what Israel built to actually have a COMMAND CENTER (not a couple of machine guns and shoes) under the hospital. I am starting to see that CNN is either truly ignorant or just faking it. No journalistic ethics.

    And in 2014, the pro-Israel publication Tablet asserted that “The Israelis are so sure about the location of the Hamas bunker … not because they are trying to score propaganda points, or because it has been repeatedly mentioned in passing by Western reporters – but because they built it.”

    “Back in 1983, when Israel still ruled Gaza, they built a secure underground operating room and tunnel network beneath al-Shifa hospital – which is one among several reasons why Israeli security sources are so sure that there is a main Hamas command bunker in or around the large cement basement beneath the area of Building 2 of the hospital,” Tablet added.

  18. Hostages were held in the hospital.

    A woman hostage was murdered inside the hospital.

    Those doctors knew all along what was going on.

    And all this time the hospital principal was telling the media that the hospital was in a humanitarian crisis while he was an accomplice with the terrorists.

    Israel tried to evacuate the hospital but the hospital staff was not cooperating.


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