Israeli military expanding ground operations in Gaza


Israel Defense Forces have expanded their ground activity in the Gaza Strip. Israel also conducted more airstrikes on Gaza Friday …



  1. Israel’s military ground operations is their version of “Endlosung der Judenfragen,” only this time around it’s being inflictied upon the Palestinians in the Gaza ghetto.

  2. How is it possible that the United States of America is now supporting the genocide of thousands of innocent Palestinians by Israel?? Who are the evil people making these decisions who are supposed to be representing us???

  3. A humanitarian crises brought about by Hamas' brutal invasion of Israel. Do you think this crises would be happening if Gaza leadership left Israel alone? They brought this down on themselves. They and only they have themselves to blame.

  4. The Arabs once captured vast territories and will have to leave a small portion of the land in favor of the Jews and the Kurds. The English, French, and Portuguese also captured many lands, but they had to return from these lands. Palestinian Arabs will also have to be resettled in other Arab countries far from Israel. This will be the end of such problems for the Arabs. Some Arab states are very dependent on the United States, and the United States can force them to accept Palestinian Arabs. By giving them some bonuses, of course.

  5. Netanyahu is a skilled public manipulator. He repeats demonizing words and uses verbal tactics to gain supporters from all backgrounds in his genocide of the Palestinians by using Hamas as the excuse. It's enraging and harmful for him blame this war on Hamas. This "war" started with the hostile takeover of Palestine by Israel in 1948. Hamas is but an awful symptom of what the Israelis have been doing to the Palestinians for decades. My personal opinion: Executing innocent people isn't the solution for the execution of other innocent people. "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind." -Mahatma Gandhi


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