Israel releases video it says proves hospitals are being used by Hamas


Hours after Israel launched a targeted raid inside Gaza’s Al-Shifa Hospital, its military released images it says show Hamas terrorist weapons there. Israel and the US say Hamas operates out of hospitals. Meanwhile, the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry released video of smoke pouring into the ICU during the raid. NBC News is unable to independently confirm either video. Keir Simmons reports.

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#IsraelHamasWar #Hospital #Gaza



  1. Lets say this is true how would Isreal act if they found hamas members in an isreali hospital would they bomb the hospital? Isreal has broke several war international laws, lied and fabricated alot of videos, why should we believe you now?

  2. Interesting how it's not even a secluded part of the hospital no one goes, like the basement or something. It's right next to reception and the MRI machines. XD

    So they didn't rip out the cameras, they put duct tape on them?

    What a joke. Can't they even try to make it look real? The other day, this Israeli guy was holding up a book with Hitler on it and Arabic writing. The only ones obsessed with that stuff are the Israeli's. I HIGHLY doubt Hamas or anyone else in the area are even knows about that stuff for the most part.

  3. It doesn't seem to be a nice try …same as movie script were cops do…i think ISRAEL soldiers can't able to lift more weapons to exhibit in the scene .. totally wasted interview…so sad….

  4. They will just say Israel out them there after they raided the hospital. No way to prove it either way however i don't think they did. Metal goes flying if near an mri machine. The only way to prove it was the fight on the way in video. You first have to prove the evidence wasn't planted.

  5. realy hamas says something you take it as truth, but israel gives you actualy evidence, actualy tries to help, you say its a claim, how hipocrates can you be.
    idf has been seen delivering goods to hospitals, but there is also intercepted calls that show hamas will shoot anyone that takes any of the suplies delivered by the idf, but as usual you dont report on that

  6. letting all the immigrants in with no papers of whom they are, or where they come from.. now that is not so smart.. Biden is gonna get us all killed and we will have to Bear arms ourselves to protect our families.

  7. Staged. They sent a press secretary with the task of finding evidence, otherwise it’s a shame. He’s taking the rap. Why didn’t the soldiers find it earlier? Why did the staff say immediately after the soldiers left that nothing was found? All this is a lie and deception of the public to cover up the storming of the hospital. Previously, Israel openly misinterpreted or made up events, so why should the public believe it now? You set your sights on "Hospital" and FOUND NOTHING… Now you're making a drama in a WORSE way. It's on the oldest book "How to plant evidence to make everybody believe you ". By the way, in the video on the wall there is a calendar and the days of the week in Arabic, not the names of Hamas fighters.

  8. People can blame lsrael,but at least they are tying to communicate,with civilians,and they are showing evidence ,to support that hamas use hospitals,who does that during war?look at russia,they deliberately attack ,bomb ukraine

  9. Don’t believe any video Israel just hands out to the world. They definitely doctored the video. Only believe videos off of the soldiers body cameras. And even when you do evaluate it. Israel has straight up lied to the world several times. Open your eyes and pay attention to the lies!!!

  10. 😂😂😂😂Israel think we are all dum and US eco Israel. This is so stage and more lies. Let see how neadly is that. If you see the building plans that shaft was there and Israel knew that. Go to building plans and see that this is so staged. Where is the evidince and every thing they claim with no evidince. Doctors working there for 15 years never saw Hamas there.

    Go and see the building plans and Israel knew of this shaft and maintanance shaft and it is using also for war bunker. I dont believe a word and that is so staged. Other video is been cut and past and doctored that it is been proven. NO HAMAS at that Hospital that is the aim to destroy Gaza and the commit again Ethnic Cleansing as they doing from 1948-1967 in the West Bank.

    Who is the barbaric inhuman war criminals here. We see what Israel is doing in Gaza and the war crimes and genocide. 1400 Israelis and over 12 000 Palestinian people so where is the balanse here and how dus this justify the killings of children and People. It is not a operation it is a war against Palestinian people.

    Israel will not listen to anything and in the UN they said that they will not accept the UN voting last night. No law for Israel and no war law for Israel and will do what ever they want. ICC and criminal case must be open against Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu.

    Looking at the things so neatly put out there in that video is really funny and not dust or any chaos in there… wow Israel with the only brains and we are dum to belief this story. BS

  11. It seems that some people who support Hamas refuse to believe the truth and instead consider it a lie. However, those who consistently lie are always the ones who lose in the end. Why not conduct your own independent investigation to verify the facts? Unfortunately, since you are not present on the ground to capture the video evidence yourself, it is difficult to prove that Hamas is not using the hospital in question. Without any concrete evidence, why should we believe that Hamas is not utilizing the hospital for its own purposes?


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