Israel orders ‘complete siege’ of Hamas-run Gaza Strip after massive terror attack


Israel is bombing the Hamas-run Gaza Strip, ordering a “complete siege” with no electricity, fuel or food allowed inside, as they hunt down the Palestinian militants responsible for the massive terror attack that left hundreds dead. Lester Holt anchors from Tel Aviv with the latest reporting.

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#BreakingNews #Israel #GazaStrip



  1. The constantt killing of innocent civilians in Gaza that has nothing to do with politics and keeping people ofPalestinee deprived of food, water ,medicalsuppliesl,, and electricity is actually way worst treatment.A systematicc ethnicc cleansing and oppression. I have never heard anything like this before. Israelil govt callsPalestines Human Animals and treating them worse than animals is extremely cruel. The wholeof Christianity is all about love, peace andkindnessd not becoming cruel and treating human beings worse than animals, that is not the teaching of Jesus. Jesus never did any discrimination among races and we should be just and support not the curelty.

  2. The ancient community of Jews that used to live in Gaza City perished in Islamic riots of 1929, that's 100 years. TIME TO TAKE BACK THEIR LAND IN FULL.
    Arabs have gone all over the world & reside & have taken land all over the world ,you dont see Australia or America or any other country blowing up Arabs and saying and crying about the land, ARABS ARE A BUNCH OF WANT ALL AND ALWAYS WANT THEIR OWN WAY LIKE SOOKY LITTLE CHILDREN.

  3. This violence is rediculious, and what is more rediculious is that western powers give full green lights to israel, while the arab/islamic world calls for peace. This shows the truth about who is the real aggressor

  4. Israel been torturing these Palestinian people for a long time Israel is playing victim so they can start a war its the Palestinian people thats being tortured..on the border of Palestinian they have robot machine guns and rockets and drows shooting kids and mother taking there kids to school…Isreal is doing this to bomb and flatten Palestin…

  5. It's ashame but they aren't true Jews I don't understand why they keep people thinking that they are descendants of Abraham when they are of esau. God's people are the so called Black Latinos native Americans not these people who decided to steal identity. Soon the war will land in America, it will be glorious, finally this God forsaken place will cease to exist, this will be freedom from esau edom, they have rules for to long the Lord is coming back for the true Jews his people. Prayers go out to the innocent but this identity theft will not be taken lightly. The Lord knows the blasphemy of those who call themselves Jews and they aren't, it is written. Prophecy will happen

  6. Regardless of who has what "rightful" argument, the existence of Israel is simply a fact. It's reality. Palestinians have been wretchedly served by their own "leaders" and allied terrorist organizations who have been peddling the "push the Jews into the sea" fantasy for 75 years. Its not going to happen – that is simple reality, like it or not. But the militants and inept leaders deliberately keep their people in squalor to perpetuate the hatred and violence.

  7. 以色列人把几百万巴勒斯坦人以集中营的方式围困在加沙狭小的地带。他们在无情的残害这些巴勒斯坦人。西方媒体跟死了一般不报道。巴勒斯坦人为了自己生存奋起反抗。

  8. You are pathetic for not accepting Christ, and you will see the answer until you do not accept the son of God. the Christian world extends a hand to you, but once again you will bite that hand like a snake.

  9. The different things about palestine people and israel people is.. palestine people they didn't run away even though they were attacked for almost a decade because they are dignified.. they defended their homeland but the people of Israel ran out to save themselves. I hope you all run to America because this is the country that supports you to seize the rights of Palestine..

  10. The Palestinian hamas 3rd world race future,, and lives should be left soley to the ISRAELY gv.and ARMY SOLDIERS…..the jewish nation with our US. Army and marines they can can rid the world of this problem the military our generals and theirs,,should be left to complete the mission.


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