Israel is warning the residents of Gaza City to evacuate


Israel is warning the residents of Gaza City to evacuate and has given them 24 hours to leave. But can one million residents flee the area in time? Secretary of State Blinken is meeting with leaders in the Middle East to deliver a message to keep Iran out of this war, while Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin meets with his Israeli counterpart. NBC’s Allyson Wilson has all the details live from the Hill.



  1. Didn’t Israel say they found their Messiah? Shouldn’t the government be handed over to him? This Prince of Peace?😆 Let him walk through Gaza and make things right. Boy the fakery is so so real with them. Or is this the set up for the chaos so they can pull him out to then make peace.

  2. As if the jewish own Gaza. They believe they have ownership over that which they do not own. This is a problem. Terrorism is horrific and so the jews should stopped theirs long ago.

  3. This is happening because slow Biden left so much weapons n ammo behind … here’s a question if a man is soo old it’s a danger to allow him to operate a car on the road, then why in God’s name would ya think it’s safe for him to be president

  4. Yes, let’s not lose sight why this is happening because Biden gave Iran $6 billion or US government is evil. Then on the other hand works to say we will support Israel to fight against the evil Iranian regime that is propagating this war. This is a war of money. Biden money.

  5. Secretary of defense, Lloyd, Austin, you are an evil man supporting an evil dictator. When will your Christian background kick in you evil man. There is a high price to pay for low living.

  6. One time when I was a kid I plucked the legs 1 by 1 from a daddy long leg to watch the legs twitch not connected. I realized it only had 1 leg left and I plucked that sh!t too. It was just sitting there with a brain totally helpless and defenseless just waiting for death. The government of Israel are way worse than me

  7. The title is misleading, it should read “Israel is telling Gazans to evacuate to the northern border, then dropping bombs all over the northern border”

    I’ve had enough of all US mainstream media painting Israeli military like they are giving the people any options. Gaza is an open air PRISON. They cant escape!

  8. Hamas wants people to stay so they can hide among women and children, and use them as human shields. They’re sick and disgusting demons perfectly willing to sacrifice other Palestinians to satisfy their hatred of Israel.

  9. Logic : Thief captured your house back in 1948, butchered your grand father, raped your grand mother burnt down several of your house's rooms and kicked your father out of the house. After years you're born, you gather strength against well armed notorious thief. You fight back to liberate your ancestral house, when you manage to have some success, the thief goes to police (Uncle Sam – United States) and Court ( good for nothing United Nations) . The court rules in thief's favour and says you should be evicted and possession of be given back to thief coz he has been living in it for 70+ year, hence the house belongs to him.. Furthermore judge also punishes the actual owner for fighting against the thief and impose heavy fine on him..

  10. All Hamas had to do was to kidnap all of them citizens and the soldiers Hamas should of taken all of them alive and then began to bargain with Israel in the international stage they could of possibly gotten some kind of a deal or some significant concessions out if Israel they could of used them as human shields they could of demanded land for peace deal anything they were clearly in the drivers seat when it came to political negotiations settlement cease fire agreement they could of gotten something out of it good without firing a single bullet Hamas could have if they would of played their cards right instead of wrong and the more Israel defeats the enemies the more land and further occupation they are going to grab and take occupy it's theirs now and for Hamas to try and rally Muslims around the world about the asqa mosque in Jerusalem island third holist site they should of thought about all that before they began to massacre innocent people defenseless people the Israelites had surrendered to their captures

  11. The case that should have been made for Palestinians (if the rest believe that it is truly Hanas deceiving them all) is that they may have by majority factor been found to be in favor of Israel's rule and Hamas may have discovered this poll first.

    Further, considering the game of identity assumption with regard to players with a cause, where illusivity is the primary objective and the strategy being entanglement, what we see given the response by Hamas' opponent, may be a situation where they have Israel doing their dirty work with the Gazans if they can't rule them themselves.

    If this turns out to be the cause as well as the method of approach, this strategy can be see as ideal despite it coming from one's opponent.*

    SIM analysis:

    Given the timeline of events, despite event 1 and the setting of this cause to day 1, what needs to be factored in is really how far their opponents advancing position has gone back and whether or not player 2 knew about their activities leading to ground zero.

    Additionally, without this information, as well as their opponents failure to declare prior to their actions, further analysis into these events going from present to future will be less determinant.

    Finally, and considering these facts (and lack of) we are still able at least to determine the state of a player and the condition given method of approach being used to gain insight in connection to the 8 rules and topics.

    [*This may explain Trumps comment about Hezbolla. If this is the case then somebody needs to break Israel the bad news given their counter efforts.]

  12. Yes, they were warned, and after that, the displaced Palestinians in their vehicles were targeted and bombed, and their children were turned into pieces, this is not a war, this is genocide committed by the Israeli occupation to occupy and steal what remains of the Palestinian land.

  13. All these leaders and powerful people who create wars to kill people are DEMONIC. God doesn't exist to them. Their ending though in eternal Hellfire forever being tormented will be like no other horrific experience imaginable forever.


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