Investigation underway into heavily armed man found dead at amusement park


Investigators in Colorado are looking into why a man armed with weapons, explosives and a tactical vest apparently took his own …



  1. They mustโ€™ve forgot to report the most important details of this story. Maybe the facts donโ€™t fit the narrative. What did he write on the note left in the restroom. Who was he? Who groomed him? So many questions the media knows yet donโ€™t report.

  2. "I am not a killer" on the wall. Sounds like some kind of sinister MK Ultra fail. Likely the same with the maine shooter hearing aids… designed distractions to gun grab. Our government is so corrupt.

  3. Given the mental state of people minds of late is a result of isolation to a flu that started in China. you know it as Covid ..the COVID lock down the isolation, the uncertainty the fear opened dark doors in people's minds for thoses who were weak and these shootings are just one in many ways for a desturb mind to coup but this man regained his humanity at the end …. I could be wrong

  4. They need to look into if this guy was being blackmailed in some way or controlled, and this was his only way out. Sounds very sketchy. He wrote a message for the cops to make them look closer and deeper into the situation. Maybe even a message to the people that were setting him up.


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