Hospital blast: Hundreds feared dead in Gaza explosion, Hamas blames Israel | LiveNOW from FOX


Israel Defense Forces is reacting after Hamas health officials say an Israeli airstrike on a hospital in Gaza has killed more than 500 people.

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  1. The Arabs say the Jews did it, the Jews say the Arabs did it. The Overwhelming majority of Americans say let them figure it out we have our own problems. We always have to be in the middle of something. 270 people were murdered in Chicago this year

  2. Well now that we know for a fact that Israel didn’t do this and a parking lot was hit by Hamas own missile and they captured conversations from Hamas talking about it in detail. You think these news outlet should make a retraction!

  3. The joke of the century "hamas is blaming Israel and Israel is blaming hamas but Israel the clearly 'neutral' part here is investigating this"😂😂…mind you in all of this no freaking news reporter or official in the west would call palestine as Palestinian government but they all call it 'hamas' which is not the government but a resistance group and they're not all of the Palestinians..and hamas who is not a nuclear superpower are called terrorists but the Israeli government who is ruling all Israelis unlike hamas but has came before hamas and done more vicious things before hamas existed and who are a nuclear superpower WOULD NOT be called terrorists by the spokesmen that claim they are neutral in this conflict …all that education for nothing, I've never seen such unintellectual people and such double standards..

  4. This bomb was AK-84 USA bomb that committed a war crime ! Israeli liars again And Biden liars ! The Israelis used an old video lying to the world. The door is now open for a major war against the Zionist! FOX you are a propaganda channel .. Nothing you say is true ! Twisted liars .

  5. There has been a few videos kinda showing the rockets miss firing and the rocket launch pad area was located behind the hospital where one of its rockets blew up right above it and landing down on the hospital ,there been some videos on Reddit showing these and louder with crowder found a video which I’m still trying to find that shows a better outside point of view that shows the time the rockets were fire to seeing the where fired from and then showing the rocket in mid air malfunctioning, and landing,down on the hospital,I know not a lot of people like louder with crowder but he did have a good video you could skip through, also want to clarify that I’m not pro any side just want people to see both views and then coming to their conclusions instead of seeing one side and not hearing out the other. I still hope peace can come to both sides and and this bloody war ends soon.

  6. With the US's and Israel's track records… especially, when it comes to wars… I don't believe neither one of them. NOT ONE WORD! Remember the USS Maine in Havana port, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the Pentagon Papers, the Iraq's Weapon of Mass Destruction… ? The US (and so does Israel) has absolutely NO CREDIBILITY and of course, Israel obviously going to blame their enemy to get off the hook of committing war crimes.

  7. Muslims do not have our Western concept of truth/lie or right/wrong as countries with a Christian tradition have. It is time we finally acknowledge that their mentality is completely different to us. Their category of thinking is halal/haram. Allowed versus not allowed by the Koran. To protect, spread and support their religion absolutely everything is allowed. Don‘t forget that this is a warrior religion, who conquered large parts of the world after 660 AD by killing 380 million people in their way. Their flag is even a battle flag showing crossed swords.

    So lying is natural to them, even demanded by Allah if is serves their cause – they call that principle Taqyia. It is time we in the West learn this word now!


  8. Well, under the shelter of the USA, the Isaerl became the Nazi of 21th. And what they have done to Palestine makes Hilter feel shame. The only question is when the Isaerli will be hung?

  9. URGENT – Israel bombed the Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza, causing two Christian martyrs and injuries among displaced people who were taking shelter in the church as a result of Israeli raids.

  10. Israel staged the Re'Im music festival massacre of their own people to garner foreign aid.
    Hamas isn't equipped to infiltrate the 4th largest military on' earth and cause a massacre under their noses. It's a lie to garner foreign aid. Obviously. Please investigate independently don't let Israel lie to your faces and scam the world.

    The documented uses of white phosphorus by Israel is unreal and you just refuse to hold them accountable decade after decade ? Clearly corruption going on' in the ICC, check phone records/bank statements i bet everyone's being payed off by jews like epsteins /rothschilds/rockafellers/zucherbergs etc

    Palestinians ran out of sandals to throw decades ago. Theres video proof of Israel violating international law and none of "hamas" doing it . Which Israel has openly admitted to supporting and is why Netanyahu is in terrible standing with the public in Israel Google it. Israel literally Invented hamas, I speak fluent Hebrew and Arabic. The hamas/isis members get basic Arabic wrong in every beheading video for some reason when real arabs never get basic Arabic wrong . Here's proof of white phosphorus damage to children. This is a war crime that's been documented with proof for decades . Do something about it


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