Comments on: HARRY & MEGHAN WILL BE STUNNED AT WHAT WILLIAM HAS PLANNED? #breakingnews #meghanandharry #meghan There is Good in Nigeria. Mon, 18 Sep 2023 21:46:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Renee Austin Mon, 18 Sep 2023 21:46:36 +0000 is sickening. USA 😢]]> We're all sick of them. I grew up admiring HRH Queen Elizabeth and Princess, to have the RF is disrespectful 😢 is sickening. USA 😢

By: Susan Schultz Fri, 18 Aug 2023 00:38:43 +0000 👋👋👋👋]]> Prince William ❤👋👋👋👋

By: Sara Dean Sat, 12 Aug 2023 23:16:37 +0000 Go, go, go, Prince William! Put that loud-mouthed, lying Megan and her weak, mealy-mouthed Harry where they belong—— out of the family, far away where they can’t hurt anyone else, like on an island far away from the U S as well as U K. They are an embarrassment to the Africans, as well as the Caucasian. Besides, older people like me, at 89 years old cannot overlook that mocking bow to Queen Elizabeth! That was unforgivable. How could K. Charles allow his son to get away with that insult? I can not even look at Megan, Oprah, or Harry without feeling repulsed!!!

By: Mari W Fri, 11 Aug 2023 02:05:41 +0000 It IS unthinkable, Neil! Remembering that there but for the grace of GOD go each one of us, we need to continue to pray that like the story of the Prodigal Son, Harry will come to his senses and receive forgiveness from his family and the people of the United Kingdom and be restored to his rightful place of service.

By: Liz Wed, 09 Aug 2023 10:31:52 +0000 👍👍👍👍]]> I think pw is more like our late queen he won't take any nonsense of Harry and Meghan so thumbs up for William👍👍👍👍👍

By: Gucci Me Tue, 08 Aug 2023 17:54:27 +0000 The king is placing fatherhood before country, Harry cannot be a counselor of state cause he doesn’t live in the United Kingdom! Plus we all know Harry’s kids are from surrogate, so they shouldn’t be in the LoS.

By: Vee Freedom Wed, 02 Aug 2023 16:35:09 +0000 Thank God for Prince William, he is a great son, make Later Diana proud. he need to stand up for this liar toxic predator and Harry. they need to leave the Royal Family alone, they wanted out so go away and stop begging for money. go get a job. clean some of the A list star's homes. you can do that meg, you were serving and doing bad things in jeffery's yacht so work and dont begg for money. by the way you are so disliked by all due to actions. ungrateful to the family that welcomed you and gave you a name. remove their title for have sake, just remove it.

By: M. J. Tue, 01 Aug 2023 21:22:07 +0000 H & M know they’ve blown their chance at being anyone by leaving the Royal Family. They should not be surprised at any consequences that follow their choices.

By: TIWICI Mon, 24 Jul 2023 21:04:33 +0000 Harry is SO jealous of his brother!So is Meghan jealous if the Walses! Harry will say ANYTHING Meghan tells him to say..

By: Christine Stevenson Mon, 24 Jul 2023 19:39:49 +0000 H must.never be King.
