HARRY & MEGHAN WILL BE STUNNED AT WHAT WILLIAM HAS PLANNED? #breakingnews #meghanandharry #meghan





  1. As an American, I would think if you are that high in the line of succession that you should live in that country. Harry's kids know nothing about Britain or its traditions or royal protocol. I seriously think this needs to be looked at by someone and changed. Things are a lot different than they were 100 years ago.

  2. I hope Prince William strips Nutmeg and those kids. They DO NOT have one drop of ROYAL BLOOD. Nutmeg never took care of them, Harry did. They should get joint custody !!!!! They would be safer !!! She NEVER wanted KIDS !! She only got them for MONEY !! NUTMEG had all of this planned out before they got married. She thinks King Charles is going to pay her a boatload of money. However much she wants??? She leaves them with the nanny anyway. SHE ALWAYS HAS !!!!

  3. I think Harold has been hypnotised into saying and doing all the crap that he does. Then kept down with drugs drink mushrooms etc….
    Harold should be removed from LOS immediately unfit for purpose.

  4. It was not the Press that created the accusation that there was racism in the royal family. That was Harry and Meghan who made the web of lies that included the idea of racism in the family who had loved and nurtured them. The royal family did wonderful things to improve the lives of people of many races and cultures. Harry and Meghan lied their cruel heads off. Then they accepted an award for their courage in confronting racism in the royal family. Then…..Harry denied that they ever said it. No apology has ever been offered from the dreadful duo, whether it was sincere or not…..no apology whatsoever. They continued to demand apologies from the royal family!!!! Harry and Meghan are like a really nasty cartoon. To this day, they take no responsibility for any of the horrible pain they caused Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip in the final days of their long and productive lives. They were very ill and stressed and sad because of Harry and Meghan. They are not weighed down by the weight of conscience or moral compass. Harry and Meghan are not forgivable. They have no decency and actually, sound like they both have the intellect of a turnip. I think no more time or concern should be wasted trying to understand their mental problems or how to get along with them. They are beyond forgiveness. Just my opinion, of course. They are not mildly troubled. They are just bad to the bone and mean.

  5. If the king cannot deal with this problem then just maybe he needs to step down and pass the crown to his son Prince William because Harry and Megan have been behaving like traitors, and if it wasn't his son how would he deal with traitors . We need a strong person to be king to be able to deal with the tough stuff like his mother always did, has he not learned anything from the Queen. Why would the U.K. folks want Harry back after his badmouthing the country as well as his Family,. Harry needs to grow some u know what and start telling the truth about that person he calls his wife, why should the taxpayers have to pay her off to get him out of trouble he chose it so let him deal himself, he might grow up after that instead of being treated like just a naughty child, he is an adult so learn to behave as one not a spoilt little brat.

  6. h and m only wants too come back because they need money. I sure pray they let h come but not m. m is a wicked woman and she will be more trouble than anyone would ever dream. ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข

  7. Omg can you imagine Megan as queen sheโ€™d purposely have the staff bringing her ice water and a selection of treats through out the night making them work around the clock. Sheโ€™d open Buckingham palace as a hotel for the rich and famous with parties and music , sheโ€™d be like the red queen in Alice in wonderland ORF WITH THEIR HEAD ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ

  8. I think Prince William is going to be more like hmtq and get rid of Harry and Meghan he can see right through the pair of them and won't take any nonsense

  9. H & M know theyโ€™ve blown their chance at being anyone by leaving the Royal Family. They should not be surprised at any consequences that follow their choices.

  10. Thank God for Prince William, he is a great son, make Later Diana proud. he need to stand up for this liar toxic predator and Harry. they need to leave the Royal Family alone, they wanted out so go away and stop begging for money. go get a job. clean some of the A list star's homes. you can do that meg, you were serving and doing bad things in jeffery's yacht so work and dont begg for money. by the way you are so disliked by all due to actions. ungrateful to the family that welcomed you and gave you a name. remove their title for have sake, just remove it.

  11. The king is placing fatherhood before country, Harry cannot be a counselor of state cause he doesnโ€™t live in the United Kingdom! Plus we all know Harryโ€™s kids are from surrogate, so they shouldnโ€™t be in the LoS.

  12. I think pw is more like our late queen he won't take any nonsense of Harry and Meghan so thumbs up for William๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  13. It IS unthinkable, Neil! Remembering that there but for the grace of GOD go each one of us, we need to continue to pray that like the story of the Prodigal Son, Harry will come to his senses and receive forgiveness from his family and the people of the United Kingdom and be restored to his rightful place of service.

  14. Go, go, go, Prince William! Put that loud-mouthed, lying Megan and her weak, mealy-mouthed Harry where they belongโ€”โ€” out of the family, far away where they canโ€™t hurt anyone else, like on an island far away from the U S as well as U K. They are an embarrassment to the Africans, as well as the Caucasian. Besides, older people like me, at 89 years old cannot overlook that mocking bow to Queen Elizabeth! That was unforgivable. How could K. Charles allow his son to get away with that insult? I can not even look at Megan, Oprah, or Harry without feeling repulsed!!!


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