Gov. Christie: 'you and I both know why Donald Trump's not on that debate stage. It's because I am'


Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was the first presidential candidate to visit Israel and speak with survivors following the October 7th attack. With less than a month until the next Republican debate, Christie currently reaches the donor threshold but not the polling requirements to join his opponents on stage in December. “You and I both know why Donald Trump’s not on that debate stage. It’s because I am,” Christie tells Andrea. “You cannot beat someone unless you run against them, and the only path to the Republican nomination for president is not around Donald Trump or next to Donald Trump. It is through Donald Trump. And the fact is, I’m the only person who’s willing to do that. I’m the only person with the guts and the experience to be able to do it,” he added.

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  1. Why Debate – he's running on everything he ran on last time which is against the GOP, Uni-party members, it will just be a shouting match – the MAGA crowd does not go with the Uni-Parties version of the Republican Party – and it's hosted by TRUMP haters – would you go when you know you're gonna win anyway
    The Debates are just entertaining the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST that hijacked the DEM party, and their real leaders the UN-ELECTED DEEP POLICE STATE who really run this country and pick our presidents. TRUMP 2024 to clean up this mess

  2. From Australia. I have been watching all candidates. Anyone but Trump will do., but Chris Christie is the most mature, honest, strong intelligent & logical. Bet he doesnt make it though. Sad for all.😢😢

  3. At this point, Israel has killed 11 times more civilians than Hamas has killed in this war. Israel is blatantly committing war crimes, having attacked 25 hospitals, 52 health clinics and 55 ambulances. If we are going to talk about the 240 hostages that Hamas is holding, we have to talk about the 10,000 Palestinian political prisoners that Israel is currently holding, of which about 6000 have never had any due process. Effectively, Israel is holding 40 hostages for every 1 that Hamas is holding.

    The bias that I see in American mainstream media is unbelievable, but Americans are figuring out what's going on, and they aren't buying it any more. 68% of Americans want an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, because they are sick of witnessing the genocide of the Palestinian people. They can see the 1.6 million refugees that Israel has created and they can see how Israel has destroyed 45% of the homes in the Gaza strip and denied 2.3 million Gazans access to food, water, electricity, fuel and medicine for the last 6 weeks.

  4. Chris is a two faced trump supporter. He broke his neck to support him until now😅 chris needs some ozampic then s year off to train so his heart dont stop trying to campaign to other racist GOP anti americans.😂

  5. Christie completely ignoring the slaughtering of innocent Palestinian children is unconscionable and abhorant. He is blind to the suffering of all humanity, not just the Israelis. His one-sided bias is a root cause problem. Killing children like fish in a barrel is wrong. Plain and simple.

  6. Chris Christie' tells everyone to stay off the beach then gets caught on the beach he tells everyone to stay off of. What a hypocrite same goes for the blond coke head that is reporting . You can drive a semi truck thru her nose.

  7. We all know what Trump did as President for this country which we all liked. He has already said what he will do when he's President again. Why nitpick over stupid things with people who don't have a chance of winning. For example chris Christie who can't even get out of single digits cause no one wants to listen to him when all he does is whine about Trump. I haven't heard about any great things he's done.

  8. What’s so good about Chris and no way is president Trump scare of Chris give me a break and Trump is not hiding from anybody he is the best president ever right with Regan to many rhinos out there get a life ya don’t understand what’s going on in this country when we fall how many of y are going to cry like a baby hope you don’t have little children I’m listing to this rid hemakesme sick

  9. The problem with Krispy Kreme is no matter what he does or says now he bootlicked Trumpy all during his 2016 campaign and all during his failed presidency and now all of a sudden he woke up B.S.!

  10. DJT is a coward. Trump can’t get on the debate stage because he can’t defend his record. Any candidate that refuses to mount the debate stage does not respect voters and should not be voted for.


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