German tattoo artist ID’d as woman paraded through streets by Hamas


A young tattoo artist has been identified as the woman whose body was paraded through the streets in the back of a pickup truck by Hamas terrorists after they attacked an outdoor music rager during their sneak assault on Israel Saturday morning.

Shani Louk was among the hundreds of victims in Israel when Hamas targeted the dance party near Kibbutz Urim and other Israeli communities.

The cruel attack in the Jewish state has led to the deaths of over 600 Israelis with more than 1,500 injured and dozens more kidnapped.

As disturbing footage of the violence quickly spread online, family members recognized Shani, in her early 20s, in a video, her first cousin told the Washington Post.

Armed terrorists chanted “Allahu Akbar” — Arabic for “God is Great” as they paraded her body around.

Her family tried calling her when they discovered that Hamas had crossed over from the Gaza Strip, cousin Tom Weintraub Louk reportedly said. At that point, they didn’t yet see the video of her.

“We knew she was in the party,” she told the newspaper. “She didn’t answer.”


#israel #hamas #shanilouk

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  1. Of course a bias Jewish run media covering one side. Go cover at what has been happening in Gaza and all the war crimes Israel is inflicting on the Palestinian people. Israel is the enemy on Palestinian land. Every country has the right to resist occupation and fight for freedom. Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

  2. Just saw on CNN that Shani's mother has been told her daughter is alive and now in a hospital in Gaza. Cab only pray it is so – but the future is bleak. CNN played the video. Watching the cheering crowds spitting on her body takes much sympathy away from the wretched civilians on Gaza who are going to (as planned) suffer the wrath of a shell shocked and outraged Israel.

  3. I'm sorry but she's dead. 😢 If she has not been found by now or heard from .. she's not alive. I know her mother is hopeful because she says a reliable source a friend has stated she is alive in hospital . I just don't believe this.

  4. This is a world where some human are developed and some are just trash pure devil with human coat this type of things are destroying humanity is fking disgusting why are they even breathing

  5. 👎👎👎👎👎 It is very sad incident. How can do such thing with a German woman. If they want to fight a war, fight with soldiers not with woman. They are cowards and have no religion.

  6. I saw the video on 4chan, it was put side by side with a video from her tiktok earlier that day happy and showing off her outfit (the same one she was wearing in the viral video). It really hit different to see her dead, mangled, twisted, and paraded around like a trophy by those men. That's a sad way to go out.


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