Explosions and smoke following Israeli airstrikes on northern Gaza Strip


(23 Oct 2023)

Southern Israel – 23 October 2023
1. Various of explosions and large plumes of smoke over skyline of northern Gaza Strip following Israeli airstrikes
Explosions and large plumes of smoke were seen over northern Gaza Strip following Israeli airstrikes on Monday afternoon.

Israel ramped up its airstrikes Monday in Gaza, where the death toll is rising rapidly, and the United States advised Israel to delay an expected ground invasion to allow more time to negotiate the release of hostages taken by Hamas militants.

Heavy airstrikes demolished buildings across Gaza, including in areas where Palestinians have been told to seek refuge, killing hundreds and sending new waves of wounded into already packed hospitals, according to Palestinian officials and witnesses.

Israel is widely expected to launch a ground offensive in Gaza following Hamas’ brutal Oct. 7 rampage into southern Israeli communities.

Tanks and troops have been massed at the Gaza border, and Israel says it has stepped up airstrikes in order to reduce the risk to troops in the next stages.

More than 1,400 people in Israel have been killed — mostly civilians slain during the initial Hamas attack. At least 222 people were captured and dragged back to Gaza, including foreigners, the military said Monday, updating a previous figure.

More than 5,000 Palestinians, including some 2,000 minors and around 1,100 women, have been killed, the Hamas-run Health Ministry said Monday.

That includes the disputed toll from an explosion at a hospital last week.

The toll has climbed more rapidly in recent days, with the ministry reporting 436 additional deaths in just the last 24 hours.

This is the deadliest by far of five wars fought between Israel and Hamas in less than 15 years.

AP video shot by Kostya Manenkov


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  1. why does israel continue to bomb and slaughter innocent people with no way of defending themselves or fighting back? oh right, israel is a genocidal occupying state who gets their weapons from the largest weapons dealer in the world… amerikkka.. a hug percentage of the palastinian dead are children and the elderly… half of gaza has been leveled, hospitals, apartment buildings, infrastructure targets… entire families wiped off the face of the earth… people who had nothing to do with any of it…

    AMERIKKKAN DISASTER CAPITALISM. a planned genocidal war to steal property and land. – create the disaster and exploit it for capital gain – imperialist genocide strikes again. the irony… but's let's listen to corporate media, coward politicians, and joe biden say it's hezbollah who bombs their own hospitals… how stupid do they think we are?

  2. All in the name of religion. 😔 For thousands of years humans have slaughtered each other bc they don't have the same God. The devil has infiltrated every aspect of pur lives.

  3. Why is it that the people who blame and condemn Israel for killing innocent Palestinians have nothing to say about Hamas killing Palestinians attempting to flee, hording thousands of gallons of fuel, food and essential supplies, and launching hundreds of rockets into Israel? The overtly biased anti-Israeli reporting is nauseating.

  4. American imperialism and Israeli terrorism must end. People who think that certain people are more worthy of life than others are the real terrorists. It's time to have integrity and not follow the propaganda. If you do not know by now who's on the right side I feel sorry for you. All people are equal. All people have the right to live in dignity.

  5. USA only cares about international law and human rights when it doesn't apply to them. Unfortunately the US is leading by example thus creating a world where every nation abandons their morals in order to compete with the great USA or be bombed/invaded by the great USA. Thats what you get when a bunch of (do NO good but preach) -Christians, create a regime.


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