1. Times used to be very Challenging, I had the worst days of my life living with bad breath, I appreciate you so much Dr Emovon on YouTube, You have restored me my life that was lost already. All the pains are gone, I will keep on telling everyone about youโ€ฆ.โœŠโœŠโœŠ

  2. Trump called every news article or report Fake News. Trump knew he was a liar a fraud and a rapist. so all his believers refuse to believe that what was being reported was the truth. poor misled people ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ค

  3. Death is a cowards way out, prison will suffice, he'll have to think about how, he lied, cheated and stole from people, he does not care for people or the constitution….just lock this psychological unstable individual up, so he has the BEST care possible

  4. Thatโ€™s not even funny. Especially since the loony left would like nothing better than to see Donald Trump executed for having an unpleasant personality, while the real criminal sits in the White House.

  5. Trump promises to do what no other person on earth can do. He will lower America's crime rate by 50% without raising taxes, and he will do it in only one day. Donald will simply leave the country.

  6. Having protested at the southern border,when Trump abducted 3700 kids,"misplacing "400 of them and killing 6 of them……..that is the easy way out for what this monster has done.We want him to have the same view he gave those kids of America for the rest of his life.

  7. Donnie, Donnie, you don't want to that, HE knows all your dirty little secrets. Even the ones your family don't even know. about. And where he could send you, air conditions are not allowed and won't be necessary. Believe me you don't want to stand before HIS JUDGEMENT, HE"S not Aileen Cannon.!

  8. Donald Trump the most honest American and best leader this generation has ever seen or ever will. Yet young people have not been alive long enough to know what the world truly is or who their real enemy is.


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