BREAKING NEWS: Matt Gaetz Launches An All-Out Assault On Kevin McCarthy's Time As Speaker


In remarks from the House floor, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) ripped into Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) moments after the latter announced an impeachment inquiry into President Biden. Gaetz excoriated the Speaker for not upholding his agreement that won him the chair in a chaotic bid for the speakership.

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  1. Gaetz is so right that McCarthy don't keep his word, McCarthy is for the Democrats you can say he's a traitor, Gaetz fighting for the American people I want to hear the truth, impeach Biden bring all the corruption forward prove it to the American people, McCarthy is all talk, and no go McCarthy is lies to the American people not follow through what he says, McCarthy is deleting it

  2. Its simple, make him conform or get rid of him! I myself, am greatly disappointed with him going along with some of beijing bidens ' satanic agenda! Is their no one, other than GOD and HIS man DONALD TRUMP to stand up for TRUTH, JUSTICE, THE FOUNDING DOCUMENTS and our GOD LOVING/SERVING, PATRIOTIC, SOVEREIGN FREE REPUBLIC NATION?!

  3. 4:26 sept22 I was sickened when mckarthy won the speakership. I now fear that my opinion was right. Please get rid of him. Time is of the essence here. Several members have been working diligently and mccarthy should be ashamed for his inaction. Now get ri of him because he has shown he is a do nothing. And thank all of you for working for us.

  4. I vote out to McCarthy. Get outta there. You don't know your priority. Are you working for the people or for Trump? For now, when I hear Republican, I'm nauseated. There's only a handful of people in your party that are honorable. And they are not in there anymore. Except for Gaetz. Because Gaetz is trying to oust McCarthy. Sounds harsh but I'm not sorry. That's how I feel.

  5. Hey Matt… why cannot you do the same thing with the President? Especially since he is a traitor to this country, guilty of Malfeasance 100 times over… and head of one of the worst crime families of all time… at the head of our government. This needs to be dealt with ASAP. Remove the President Also… and Garland and all his minions. Including his vice president. Get them out the door, and into a prison cell. Preferably with a noose around their neck for treason.

  6. My God is this what they call the Republican party nowadays? It's embarrassing from the top to the bottom & it spends more political capital in arguments between it's members than in working for the American people. Ronald Reagan must be turning in his grave, smh.

  7. " Hey ,Look at me " , ….." I'm Gaetz " , But , " You can call me Matt who can use repetitive take downs , and wryly grin , Wink nonchalantly at m'Buddies watching .. Well not many , nudge, nudge , wink, wink , but I do ask my pals later on in the bar if they saw my neat moves , they tell me I was smooth as silk and in a few years I should run for Pfise , eerr, hold on I'm a bit slow on the spelling , PR E SI DENT . I know my good side for the cameras . POLICIES ??? What would be my policies be., err, How t F would I know as I've got a bit of time before coming PRES , .,Look I have to go as m'Buddies are smashed and singing in m'Office . Can't stop smiling .. can ya hear them … oh, oh , their in the Hallway , gawd the acoustics in this White House are mega … Err , what are they singing ,,,," Bo, Bo give me a Hand , take this Juice outta m 'Hand and make this Beetle happy "…… And that's where my interview ended with Matt Gaetz . I looked back and saw him quickly dart into the White House toilets still singing , " Bo, Bo give me ya hand "…

  8. Many Americans placed their hope in the speaker doing what he agreed upon. But, I knew McCarthy; wouldn’t follow through. He works with the Democrats and against us. God bless this man; for standing up for what’s right. There sure aren’t many doing that!

  9. LOL! This is just hilarious, don't you think? The Republican Party has a heaven-sent opportunity to exploit some of the public dissatisfaction with Biden/Harris and what do they do? Shoot themselves in the foot by all their in-fighting! By the way, I don't like the look of that Gaetz character. His eyes are distinctly shifty… if he is not a total asshole then I'm a Dutchman!

  10. If Kevin worked a little harder and a litter faster…. had a more meetings with his party, compromised with the unrest in the party, instead of spending most of his time with the democrat's, then maybe we would appeased these 8 republicans. He blew it and these impatient and frustrated GOP members could have asked him in private to step down, instead of talking to a lying press who cares nothing for the the GOP and ONLY REPRESETS THE INTEEST OF THE DEMOCRATS ! Shame on all of them


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