BREAKING NEWS: Hearing Stops Cold After Marjorie Taylor Greene Mercilessly Calls Out Eric Swalwell


At a House Homeland Security Committee hearing on Wednesday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) called out Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) after he attacked her for past tweets calling to defund the FBI.

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  1. Censoring in Congress, why would you not want the truth?
    No wonder it can't be fixed, cause you can't fix it if you don't know what's broken, and protecting Swallows Well is a very bad example for congress not wanting ALL the truth.

  2. It is Past Time for all Citizens to make Themself Aware of how Chinese and Domestic HoneyTraps Work. Washington D.C. has Loads of Owned and Compromised Political Leaders snd Agency Heads who are Stuck with that Burn. Chinese CCP Professional Ladies doing their special One Wild NiteTrick.
    You KNOW when odd things, that serve these Foreign National interests and are obviously nether good for the USA, nor normal actions, become quietely part of the landscape.
    A good example is what happened to our Strategic Oil Reserve last year. Look it up.

  3. Yeah everybody take a look, especially you down in Georgia!!! This is your tax money at work, this is her getting stuff done for her constituents and the country!!! Nice job, MAJOR TRAITOR GROSS! AND THE SOCKS STAY ON! 😁

  4. What is innaproppiate is to sell secrets to the enemy and prostitute our government and on top of that try to hide the truth, taking attitude because it was a lady who acknowledge the sin.

  5. I used to watch recording of the mc’carthy hearings.
    I could not believe that could really have happened in a modern country.
    But I thought it was in the past……
    Now U believe it did happen and the poison is still there.


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