BREAKING NEWS: DeSantis Responds To Hamas Attack On Israel: 'They Have A Right To Defend Themselves'


In a video released to social media, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) responded to the surprise attack by Hamas on Israel.

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  1. Ron DeSantis: "We cannot prioritize intervention in an escalating foreign war over the defense of our own homeland, especially as tens of thousands of Americans are dying every year from narcotics smuggled across our open border and our weapons arsenals critical for our own security are rapidly being depleted."

  2. As expected. Every American politician has to satisfy the pro-Israel lobby. It was a brutal, disgusting attack, but Israel will never be able to eradicate Hamas with military violence as long as the Gaza strip remains what it is. It's not looking good for the hostages and civilians that are trapped there. This is going to brutal and the hate will only increase;

  3. So when the israelis were attacking the palestinian there wasn't any help from any other countries but when they fight back they are called terrorist and the israelis are getting helped from countries such as france, america and many more countries. FREE PALESTINE

  4. You mean the Palestinians have a right to defend themselves?? Palestine is population with nothing to lose. The coming days are going to be full of western news media slyly reversing the aggressor-defender relationship and reporting as though all the violence began with the Hamas offensive, spontaneously out of nowhere.

    The problem with oppressing a population with maximum force is that at some point they start figuring they’ve got nothing to lose by fighting back.

    Do I think this latest uprising will end in more positive results than negative for Palestinians? No. Does that mean I’ll condemn the Palestinian resistance for fighting back? Also no.

    This is because doing so would be nonsensical, for a couple of different reasons. Firstly, because nobody can tell me what the Palestinians should do instead that is both realistic and reasonable. It would be easy for me to sit here in my armchair and say the Palestinians should either maintain the status quo or lie down, relinquish their homes and homeland and accept whatever table scraps they’re able to get, but we can see from the Palestinian perspective that that’s not reasonable. It would be easy for me to sit in my armchair and argue that Palestinians should just focus on securing a one-state or two-state solution, but we can see from the Israeli political landscape that that’s not realistic.

    So what else can they do? What reasonable and realistic options do they have? No one can provide me a satisfactory answer.

    Secondly, it would be nonsensical for me to condemn the actions of Hamas on the grounds that it will make things worse for the Palestinians because the fact that Israel always responds to Palestinian resistance by killing a lot of Palestinians is itself a very concrete manifestation of the abuses the Palestinians are resisting. It would not be legitimate for me to sit in my armchair and tell someone to stop resisting their abuser just because it will cause them to receive more abuse; that’s not a valid reason to condemn resistance.

    Ultimately this is just Palestinians doing what they feel they need to do out of total desperation, because they feel backed into a corner with no other options. And they feel backed into a corner with no other options because that does appear to be the case. There are a lot of people I could blame for their being in those circumstances, but the very last on that list would be the victims of the abuse themselves.

    Israel apologists will brand anyone who criticizes Israel an antisemite while adamantly denying that they include “criticizing Israel” in their definition of anti-semitism. If you ask them to name a forceful and sustained critic of Israel’s abuses who is not an anti-semite they generally won’t be able to, because they absolutely do regard all critics of Israel as anti-semites, but they can’t admit that they do this because they know the public is catching on to this tactic and they know it hurts their propaganda efforts.

    In this way they’re exactly the same as people who brand all critics of US foreign policy toward Russia as Kremlin propagandists and all critics of US foreign policy toward China as secret agents of “the CCP”. Ask anyone who accuses you of being a Kremlin troll for criticizing western proxy warfare in Ukraine to name one forceful and sustained critic of that war who they don’t consider a Kremlin operative; they won’t be able to. This is because their definition of “Kremlin operative” actually includes “anyone who criticizes US foreign policy toward Russia”. But they can’t admit this, because they know it makes them look ridiculous.

    Sure glad Trump lost because otherwise a border wall would be getting built and kids would still be in cages and the Iran deal would still be dead and the military budget would still be inflating and Roe v Wade would’ve been killed. That psycho would probably have us on the brink of World War Three by now.

    They concern trolled about terrorism, then armed Al Qaeda in Libya and Syria.

    They concern trolled about neo-Nazis, then armed them in Ukraine.

    They threw Uyghur separatists into Guantanamo, then concern trolled about the Uyghurs.

    The empire has no principles, only interests.


  5. Trump's doctrine of CRUELTY is responsible for that. No funds have been released yet, so DeSantis is a liar. trump gave Russia info on Isreals weak spots, n Russia gave that info to Hamass. trump instigated this by moving the Israeli Capital n Embassy to Jerusalem in 2017-2018. trump thought this war would take place before the 2020 election.

  6. Bi*en just freed up $6 BILLION to Iran last month, what did you expect ??? Iran's Role as the Primary Sponsor to Hamas, contributing to approximately 70% of Hamas' finances…Iran is presently supplying M302, Rajum rockets to Hamas, rockets with a range surpassing 100 kilometers. With these rockets Israeli cities like Tel Aviv and Jerusalem were now within reach. Hezbollah's missile arsenal includes 107 mm rockets, the Type-81, Fajr-3, Fajr-5, M-302 and the Iranian-made Fateh-110, Costing between $300 to $800 each.

  7. I didst hear ron desantis hypocrite saying anything like this this to the afro american community that they have the right to defend themselves when Dylaan roof went into the church and massacred all thoes church goers in cold blood after being welcomed and invited in
    the same goes for nikki Ramada haley and most Amerkkkans the hypocrisy is mind numbing

  8. Israel’s fault this is happening. I don’t agree with Hamas methods but can you blame them for being pushed to the point of having nothing to lose? Gaza’s power, food/supplies, and water are all controlled by Israel who has proven to demonstrate their power over Gaza by taking these basic human resources away in a vindictive manner. There would be no war if Israel resolved by making two independent states

  9. I would like to see 1 American politician to come up with solution of this problem. What should Palestinians do to get their freedom after so many years being occupied? I do not condone violence. But oppressing people for so long creates problem like this.


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