BREAKING: Gov. Sarah Sanders Announces Chinese State-Owned Company Must Give Up Arkansas Land


On Tuesday, Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-AR) announced Chinese state-owned company Syngenta must divest Arkansas land holdings.

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  1. Great job Sarah Huckabee Sanders, about time America is getting put first, every state should follow suit, get them out, especially if they are not in America best interest, much love Mrs. Sanders god bless you and your family ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™Œ

  2. CHINA President Xi openly tells He OWNS JOE BIDEN, and many other Democrats in Senate and Congress. Even President PUTIN said "Yes China owns Biden and many others in DC." Question? How can anyone get owned?????

  3. Years ago, China would not let their people own a phone. WHY?? Because they have so many people named Wing and Wong, they were concern the Chinese would keep Winging the Wong number. …..LOL ???? Old China man in Miami told me this joke.

  4. If we are the "United States" then let's see the rest do the same.
    There is a great Governor, Sarah Huckabee also informing national media just how corrupt and stupid they are. Loved it.

  5. Yes all states should ban Chinese to buy Land here in USA but Joe Biden is being allowing this activity since long time ago and you Republicans doing absolutely nothing to prevent this actions including other illegal activities in Ukraine and again no one in the white house seems to care.

  6. Great to see everyone on one accord. I'm not sure of everyone on that panel political views. But, it would be Great if 1/2 of that panel is a Democrat. We cannot go to China and buy the amounts of land that they buy here. Worse of all, we know the CCP has no good intention for America and we are allowing them to buy our land. Good for Gov. Sarah Huckabee our next president after President Trump completes his second term.

  7. Hahahaha, after the land has been developed, they wanted to force the Chinese company sell sell cheap to them. What a cruel policy?
    Why did they sell the land to the Chinese in the 1st place? For fun…

  8. Our American leaders and intelligence community of 50 states should never be naive or blind on any Chinese business investor, and also, there's betrayed American citizens are colluding with the Chinese to infiltrate into core national interests in America. They're all working for their MOTHER mainland China under the funding and directing by the CCP.

  9. I'm seriously worried about what pastor Hagee says. When God as a Universe Ruler and Owner, we turned to take decisions for Him! There are specifications for the land of Israel no doubt on that. However, when a Man of God condoning apartheid, mass murdering, land dispossession, and road blockages is worse and beyond than the course and it's effects!! He says, America is hated in the Arabian countries why? The pastor claim that West stands for democracy at the same time, he is protecting capitalism that keeps on destroying humanity! Christianity is one of the powerful tool to change this world for better, but if Christian leaders are confused in this way I am afraid. The pastor should clearly say, he talks his mind, and this is not a position taken by the entire Church with regards to this conflict between Palestine and Israel…

  10. This sounds like this has happened before? The induginus red Indians kin the USA. Where to give up there lands in West. All I will say is : rember what happened to Custer and his last stand.?

  11. I have been thinking about China's state owned enterprises. Pardon my thinking. Private enterprises wring employees dry while profiting top management. State owned enterprises work for the benefit of the nation's people. There are income equality gaps round the world but the income equality gap in America is crazy big. China doesn't wait for vigilantes to take down wall street. The government does it themselves.

    Again I am not entirely right. It is right to fear these state owned enterprises considering they use the weight of the their government to wrench better deals. But if I think about it, they work for the benefit of their people while private enterprise work for the benefit of top management 's pocket.

    Which is worst?


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