Amir Tsarfati: Breaking News


BREAKING NEWS: Israel is preparing for a war with Iran.



  1. That king in the old testament, the one who sent out the worship team against his enemies, he got the victory. So before Israel strikes Iran. How about dropping enormous amounts of leaflets with praise and worship on them from the Israeli choir or orchestra playing the Psalms. Shalom. Like those little sound bite telegrams.

  2. We are sad & embarrassed at what the U S has become but the U S Christian remnant fully supports Israel. I believe that the prophecies in Ezekial 38 will soon be fulfilled. We are praying for Israel & its people. Thank you for telling us what is happening there. God bless you & your family, Amir.

  3. Please know it is NOT the American people, but this satanic administration and worthless president we have is to blame. We the people hate what is going on with this government and totally support Isreal.

  4. Why say share, someone shares the info and you strike him down. He even still had original credit for your video. Furthermore you should rescind that issue you should know which is being spoken of. You do this for monetary gain? The people you touch remeber what jesus did in those time. Throwing away the money. My point being if you are in christ why try to punish someone else because of your monetary loss when they share valuable information you asked to be shared. Sad man. Im going to pray for you brother you need it.

  5. Amir, did you report to YouTube ‘Watchman On The Wall88’ for sharing this video? Please clarify as many of his subscribers are under the impression you reported his channel for sharing this video which gave him a ‘strike.’

  6. I’m American; Americans are behind Israel all the way! The administration in charge does NOT speak for the American people! God bless and protect Israel in the holy Name of the G-D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Shalom and be safe, brother. I—along with many others—pray daily for Israel.

  7. So this is what I wrote on the watchman1963 channel. I watch both of you guys. But I will no longer watch anything you post. All the videos made by the watchman1963 are no ads. Meaning he doesn't get paid. I know you post videos so you can be paid by YouTube. I will continue to spread the word about your channel. You want everyone on your channel so you can receive ad revenue. That's lame and trust me God sees your true identity. You just put a strike against a fellow Christian that only tries to help save soles. He used your video because Christians are of one. Act like it. You need to change your way of thinking. I definitely will not watch nothing else you post. And I watched everything before. I will continue to spread this, he deserves an apology. I will paste what I posted on his page below.

    I'm sending a message to his channel right now. That's absurd. You want me to tell you what it is all about. You, your channel doesn't add ads on it. Your preaching the gospel not receiving big sums of money, you may ask for donations, but noone can work for free. That's how missionaries receive money, is by asking for donations. They want everyone to go to their channel because they probably have ad revenue on it. That's lame and God our father knows the true heart. Keep doing what your doing. I promise you will see your blessings.

    The only thing I wish from your channel…

    I watch every video. Most the videos are the same. It's like your trying to target new comers on every video. You are very smart and you really know the Bible. If you could make a few different videos, that are more in depth. Like have videos for the ones who watch every one of them. Do Bible study lessons. I would love that. I enjoy your content. And I learn by watching your videos. Just a suggestion, but I may be crazy. Lol

  8. I have a question for you. Honest question. Do you care about GOD? Or YouTube fame and views? A brother in Christ, the watchman, shared your content THAT YOU YOURSELF want to tell people. You copy righted him and YouTube gave him a strike, A FELLOW BROTHER IN CHRIST… REALLY!? I cast no judgment on you. But GOD knows the hearts of all. Your either in with us all, or your AGAINST us all. As is written anyone who is not worth me is against me. As is written "we seen someone casting out demons in your name and told him to stop." Jesus responded "do not stop them" yet you yourself see fit to stop people spreading the world events prophesied by our Lord. In YOUR LETTER! YOUR RESPONSE, no one else BUT YOU! You state he STOLE your content. Violated YouTube rights, so on so forth. Again my question to you is are you in it for the views or for GOD? You don't gotta answer me GOD knows the hearts of all. But based on that letter you care about the views more then spreading truth. I'll pray for you. This to me from a fellow brother in Christ is MIND BLOWING. I pray you give the watchman a apology and let him share the content, as is NOTHING MORE THEN FOOTAGE! I can't figure out why ANY child of the most high would do that?… Please fix this mistake as you not only caused great offense to TONS of viewers, but you may have demolished a ministry! THAT'S A BIG DEAL! He already had a strike for taking about world events. This means you single handedly tore apart a ministry of GOD over views…. REALLY? Please, fix this…. you owe him a apology and the right to use the content. No one OWNS things that have happened. No one OWNS words. Your claiming that footage of things that happened and words spoken in footage belong to you. You clearly don't think correctly. Again I plea to you, apologize, and release content. I reminds you one more verse of the Lord…
    "Freely you have received, freely give"
    Please judge yourself, as is written. You will see the err of this if your honest with yourself. Prayers for you…

  9. In Jesus name, the King of the Jews, I plead the blood of the Lamb, the son of God most High, over the chosen people of Gods faithful heart. Israel will prevail. God is faithful. America stands with the Jewish Nation.

  10. I am so sorry we let you down. But God will go before you and angels are standing waiting for the word go. Daddy God set a shield around Israel and your people. As this happens drawer people to Jesus our savior..


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