2 American hostages released by Hamas, Israeli Defense Force says


The Israel Defense Forces confirmed that two American hostages have been released by Hamas: Judith Raanan, 59, and Natalie Raanan, 17. Both women are currently with the Red Cross. Their conditions were not immediately clear.




  1. So, they released 2 American Hostages, and only Killed 32 Americans, and many other people from many other countries, including 1300 Jews…. And they didnt just kill them.. They tortured most, also.. So, Now Hamas is playing a game of "we are not really bad, we are just being portrayed, incorrectly".. And the NEWS Media is going to start cheerleading for them, as they let a few more hostages go tomrrow, or in a few days, and time goes on…. So, you have to admit, that Hamas knows how to FOOL YOU again., and again, and again. Stay tuned for more.

  2. Amnesty International announces war crimes against Israel for the bombing church with civilians in it and blowing up a highway bringing in supplies to the Palestinian people

  3. This is NOT a peace offering. This is an evil game strategy by Hamas. The terrorists took 200 hostages and threaten to kill them. The release of 2 hostages is a cynical ploy by Hamas to blame Israel for any of the hostages that Hamas kills.

  4. Holding 200… Over a 100 is children… May God bless each and every one there… My heart just breaks… Hamas terrorists is so evil… I can understand what Israel is going threw…but there is no need in keep killing innocent civilians… especially children and women…

  5. Why didn’t they release all of the little children as well!!! My God! I can only imagine how the mothers are feeling knowing that those Evil people have their children. Praying that they are all released soon. πŸ™πŸΎ


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