RMNCAHN Champion Hajiya Amina Lawal on RMNCAHN Advocacy Priorities for Kaduna State 2


Legislative Initiative for Sustainable Development is implementing the “Strengthening Government Partnerships and Advocacy for Primary Healthcare (SPAG) Optimization Project. It seeks to build the capacity of State actors, particularly Legislators to use their statutory functions in improving primary healthcare in their States; improve the accountability framework of the Basic Healthcare Provision Fund (BHCPF) and enhance the inclusion of new voices particularly women to drive RMNCAH-N priorities through PHC in the government platforms.

Here, Hajiya Amina Lawal, a RMNCAH-N Champion is presenting the most pressing priority asks and advocating to the Kaduna State Government to make good its promises to the citizens of the State. She lauds the achievement gotten so far but says more still needs to be done.



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