Comments on: Rising Prices Of Food Kano Seals Warehouses Hoarding Grains, Noodles, Sugar There is Good in Nigeria. Mon, 19 Feb 2024 02:58:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: @lukmanmajekodunmi-qy3te Sun, 18 Feb 2024 01:53:53 +0000 Goody good morning this is an important message please very urgent message we're hard or while you said on the scarcity of food my own opinions is that what the Federal Government did is very very good boss I can't money the Federal Government wanted to release for all these governments Audi want to do the money because my own suggestion is that if the government can try to inform everyone each government each local government must have like 8000 hectares in each local government start their own farm and each local government must be selling the food according to their local government what is that it will be very grateful then thanks each local government must be selling the food according to their local government anybody come from another local government was not say for the person or has the person go back to his own or local government

And the second all these are senators and an house of rep government must not allow them to stay in Abuja they supposed to instruct everyone of them to back to their own consistency in each senators and their house of rep States they should back to their state before they can see them in Abuja or health may be there was a meeting to hole in Abuja immediately the meeting finish everybody must back to his own constituency in each every senators and the rep state they should back home that's what supposed to be happened in that very Nigeria because I believe if that happens like that all these kidnapper issue will be surprised down and then then two will be listing to each citizen word that is how is supposed to be what are they doing what are they doing in Abuja what are they sitting down in Abuja for without doing anything is it everyday they were owing meeting in the house of rep or in House of zenith immediately delete the finish they are meeting they supposed to be back to their States that's how it's supposed to be thank you

And the second the president supposed to turn off with the money they want to release for each governance because if there was no follow up with the money they will just collected the money and keep it against next coming election so that's how my think is and each they supposed to allow youth to speak out in each local government each States what their government are doing with the money in each state each local government maybe is it the writing the president told them to use the money for is it what they were using it for gas how might thinking it is god bless us God bless Nigeria thank you

By: @basilayuba2524 Sat, 17 Feb 2024 23:30:37 +0000 Both gentlemen really gave a valid statement on the rising cost of food.

By: @danielosayi4818 Sat, 17 Feb 2024 22:24:32 +0000 This Charlatan is blaming Nigerians now for economic damage his Oga has caused this country from misgovernance

By: @donkekepeterz9550 Sat, 17 Feb 2024 12:44:59 +0000 This man is shameless

By: @FrankSnyder-im4zp Sat, 17 Feb 2024 12:37:00 +0000 This guy useless i swear

By: @kayodeoloriire1651 Sat, 17 Feb 2024 02:47:59 +0000 I used to respect this man for his intelligent contribution & insightful analysis until during the last elections when i really knew his true color. In spite of the obvious failure of Tinubu, he's still defending him. This is bad

By: @homemakers5853 Sat, 17 Feb 2024 01:01:43 +0000 Babajide the Tinubu boy

By: @RA-ms3je Fri, 16 Feb 2024 23:34:40 +0000 Did the last palliatives and CCT ever reach that poor? We know what that ministry has been doing with the palliatives.

Please allow the guest to finish talking, its not the person/ politician who we see everyday that we came to see.

By: @asasamson6444 Fri, 16 Feb 2024 21:01:03 +0000 U people are just busy talking of food cost food
Does it means that u people don't no what brings to the high cost of food price
How much is gas,fuel,dollar if all these can be looking into food price will definitely be down
We should stop deceiving ourselves by grammar

By: @iseredestiny7535 Fri, 16 Feb 2024 15:32:15 +0000 Shameless journalists
