How I drove myself from Ibadan to Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria


They say I am “Agunwanyi” for having the mind as a woman to drive long distance from Oyo State to Imo State on a highway where “anything” can happen.

My response is: when it comes to traveling, especially for very important reasons, I stay positive in my thoughts. And not even when it is about going home to reunite with my parents and siblings. Reliving childhood memories and recounting past events are therapeutic for my mind. No fear is strong enough to scare me away from Christmas travels unless it is not about fear, except it is for a more prioritise reasons.
Not even a single fear came close to my thoughts. I drove in high spirits till dusk.

I shall do it again, and again! It
is my Christmas story. Cheers and wishing us all a fulfilling 2024



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