Comments on: 2 Important Steps To Take To Avoid Building Demolition By Lagos State Government There is Good in Nigeria. Mon, 27 Nov 2023 12:36:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: abdul Idi Sat, 25 Nov 2023 21:10:38 +0000 This is really sad. In short having a C of O does not guarantee your building or to simply build. If the project does not have the approval you cannot build. You can never obtain approval on an untitled Land. If there is No C of O, No Governor consent, No Allocation you can’t get an approval. I wish the families well & they need to go after the Mugu that sold the land!

By: Mine Movies Sat, 25 Nov 2023 00:25:45 +0000 ]]> Hiya Karo. Nice to see and listen to you. Well my take on this demolition palava is that 1st the government should havent allowed the erections of those buildings in the 1st instance. I remember they use to mark sites that doesnt meet up stardards or in default.2ndly, you mentioned getting building plan approval on a titled land to ascertain if the plot is sitting on pipeline or some some other vital structures,my question is , why will the company allocate such plot to an individual knowing the obstruction. In the end unfortunately, those buildings will go to stop the flooding the multiplier effect in the future. Now i ask, what do we do to land banked for future purposes?😊
