Trump attacks Bill Barr in social media post


Former Trump White House lawyer Ty Cobb reacts to news that the federal judge overseeing Donald Trump’s federal election subversion criminal case has reinstated the gag order she issued on the former president earlier this month. #CNN #News



  1. Stop worrying about Trump and little more about Biden Administration catastrophic failings to protect our Jewish Americans against far left Hamas loving baby killers.

  2. Not sure the difference between Trump’s post and a mafia’s crime boss threats to kill the court, judges, witnesses, lawyers…. Anybody but Trump saying these things would be in jail.

  3. Now he can do the same thing to them that is being done to him, and no one in media or politics can say he is wrong because they did it to him FIRST… Smart move by him, dumb tactics by everyone who is against him

  4. Bill Barr should be held accountable for his treasonous ACTS Against America and the American people and the REAL President Donald Trump's PRESIDENCY from the beginning he worked with the Clintons FBI AGENTENCEY and the OBAMA Biden Clinton MOB TOO Take down the setting President Donald Trump's PRESIDENCY

  5. Trump acting like a 5 year old AGAIN!! TANTRUM BABY TRUMP not getting his way. OMG, please stop this baby already he is so embarrassing. NO REAL AMERICANS are voting for a 5 yo baby that has TANTRUMS daily. Trump unfit, just DISQUALIFY TRUMP PEOPLE what in GOD'S NAME are you waiting for??

  6. "Spend a night or a weekend" in jail?? that is after ignoring several gag orders several times, How about locking him up until the trial is over?…..if (when)convicted keep him behind bars for life

  7. Trump is weakening our laws by constantly being allowed to break them with little or no consequences,now someone else can say they are just doing what he's been allowed to do to multiple courts and that they should get the same ability to threaten,lie,cheat and blow off our legal system.


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