Obi Not Tinubu Won 2023 Presidential Poll, Says Ex-SGF Babachir Lawal – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

Obi Not Tinubu Won 2023 Presidential Poll, Says Ex-SGF Babachir Lawal – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

 …Babachir Still Nursing Bitterness Of A Failed Joint-Ticket Dream With Tinubu, Says APC

ABUJA  – Dr. David Babachir Lawal, a former Secretary to the Govern­ment of the Federation (SGF), on Tuesday declared that the candi­date of the Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi, won the February 25 presidential election, and not Bola Ahmed Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress (APC) as announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

Babachir Lawal disclosed that President Bola Tinubu came a distant third in the number of votes scored.

The former SGF Babachir La­wal hinted that available factual data as aggregated from several independent sources indicated that Obi got the majority votes while Atiku Abubakar of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) came second in the election.

“I have resisted the temptation to engage in the contemporary political discourse since the May, 2023 election faux pas.

“I did this for two reasons, the first being that as an active play­er in the drama, I needed time to analyse and digest the data that led to the outcome(s), so I could arrive at an informed decision; the second, being that the rainy season had just set in and it was necessary that I focused my atten­tion on my farms which are the mainstay of my livelihood.

“The current topical issues for political discourse and inquiry are whether or not Bola Tinubu won the presidential election and/ or that he was apriori, qualified to participate in the election given his murky bio data as is now be­ing publicly unveiled daily in an avalanche.

“My answer to the first inqui­ry is that regardless of whatever INEC or Appeal Court said or did, Bola did not win the election.

“Right from the start of the campaigns, Bola knew he was not going to win the election in a free and fair contest so he decide to go by all means”, Babachir Lawal said in a statement.

According to Lawal, “Available factual data as aggregated from several independent sources in­dicate that Obi got the majority votes while Atiku came second. Bola came a distant third in the number of votes scored.

“My answer to the second in­quiry is that given the now unfold­ing deluge of uncomplimentary information about who or what he actually is, ordinarily, sound ethics and morality should have convinced him to voluntarily ex­cuse himself from participation in the election.

“But this, notwithstanding, I believe he still has time and oppor­tunity to save himself this public humiliation and embarrassment to his person, both locally and in­ternationally by resigning so that he can give more attention to his health.

“After all, no one knows about the truism of these severely em­barrassing and humiliating expo­sures about his person than the man himself.

“Leadership is all about integ­rity; sound pedigree, trustworthi­ness and the ability to unite and instill hope and confidence in the people one seeks to lead. In these qualities, most Nigerians are in to­tal agreement that Bola has them in very short supply indeed.

“But now, six months down the line, the chicken has come home to roost as Nigerians have come to the realisation that we have not got what we deserved politically.

“Confusion and despondency is now all over the nation as no one trusts the government to do what it says it will do. No one trusts the leader; and no one trusts appoin­tees who are appointed as rewards for their roles in the election or who had in the past helped him in his life.

“Bola the president and his group are now in government and are in full control of Nigeria’s vast resources and opportunities. They are enjoying their offices while Nigerians languish in inse­curity, poverty and hopelessness”, the former SGF said.

Lawal stated that during the campaign, Bola mouthed some platitudes about competence, “but we are so far yet to see it reflected in his political appointments.

“It seems more like he is re­warding people who supported him to get the presidency at all cost.

“This band of appointees that Bola is assembling into his government don’t care about Ni­geria at all.

“Fuel prices will continue to gallop upwards until only they can afford it; the naira will contin­ue to race downhill in a free-fall until only they can afford any­thing in the market; insecurity will continue its escalation until every community in the nation is consumed by it”, the Adamawa born politician declared.

Babachir Still Nursing Bitterness Of A Failed Joint-Ticket Dream With Tinubu, Says APC

Reacting, the All Progressives Congress (APC) has lambasted former Secretary of the Govern­ment of the Federation, Babachir Lawal, for daring to impugn the sanctity of the electoral victory currently enjoyed by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

The party claimed that the for­mer SGoF needs counseling after leading his candidate to suffer a monumental loss at the polls, say­ing that the loss of Peter Obi at the poll has done harm to his psyche.

Felix Morka, APC National Publicity Secretary, in a statement maintained that the estranged APC chieftain is still nursing the bitterness of his failed dream to run a joint ticket with Tinubu.

The statement reads in part, “Former Secretary to the Gov­ernment of the Federation, Baba­chir Lawal, emerged from his hibernation slinging incoherent aspersions on the person of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, and the exalted office he occupies.

“After a long hiatus leaking his wounds from the monumental electoral loss of his candidate in the last presidential election, Mr. Lawal unabashedly is out again, peddling gibberish, rather than learn from his political misad­venture with equanimity.

“Clearly, the defeat of his prin­cipal, Peter Obi, at the poll has done incalculable damage to Mr. Lawal’s psyche and his capacity for rational thought as evident in his analysis based entirely on the figment of his warped imag­ination rather than on hard facts and figures. A clear sign of his disconnect from reality was his reference to election held in May 2023, rather than February.

“We challenge Babachir La­wal to give a detailed breakdown of his so-called “aggregated facts sourced from independent sourc­es,” which he claimed proved that Obi won the election or forever keep mute. That he did not pro­vide these facts to help Obi prove his case before the Presidential Election Petitions Court is a mas­sive disservice if not betrayal of his political principal”.

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