A trip to Ogba, Egbema, Ndoni LGA aka ONELGA of Rivers State to ascertain if they are truly Igbos.

A trip to Ogba, Egbema, Ndoni LGA aka ONELGA of Rivers State to ascertain if they are truly Igbos.



  1. I don't know why these people are in River State,if they are carved into Imo and Abịa states these identity crises will not come up. In my dialect in Anambra State we say"nnaa"(welcome).
    Our Niger Delta brothers doesn't know the difference between language and dialect,to them every dialect should be a language group
    What a shame!

  2. God will bless you brother for your great work 👍 God will keep you alive to see the benefits of what you are doing in our land, Incase of apology we are offered our apologies to our brother's in South South for our four fathers wreck less life style of discrimination toward our people in the past that make their fathers to miss guiding their children by telling them that they are not our brother,No more disunity among us again please let us see ourselves as one big family every where in the world today , we are the only tribe you can see in every parts of the world today.

  3. Eleanya meaning "wait n see" " hoping on to God almighty". it's a strong name for people of bende in Abia state. the man said it's all but don't kw the diff btw a language and dialect. more education necessary 🧠💯

  4. When unification move was happening within the hinterland Igbo, there was no genuine and coordinated effort to create the awareness and unification among the outskirts- Igbo.

    I salute Nna Mehn TV for this great work. More effort need to be put in place through the churches and town unions. I don't expect the schools run by non-Igbo state governments to do this work.

  5. Most comment are laughable due to the lack in understanding of what this young man is doing. He is doing a great job; sparking the heart of a race into questions and deep thinking; of who we were before the colonizers came, before Amalgamation, independence and what happened after the civil war. Never forget, the civil war was fought between Nigeria and one region, With that said: since I have been watching his show/research, Igbo's need to ask themselves certain question and be honest about it, and that question is what happened to our ethnic-social engineering? Igbo's are not known for conquest or forceful taking of peoples Land; our ancestors are merchants, farmers, traders and skill men. They lived in clans and had district heads known as EZE's (which is attained by age, okpara) and it goes round families. You can't have a people speak same language or dialect like you, have same cultural backgrounds and not ask questions. they are not just closer by proximity but by culture and spirituality. We are not looking for stranger's rather trying to connect with our kins men through asking questions (Ajuju).

    Furthermore, states/countries does not mean anything when it comes to a race. In kogi state there is kaba people, they speak yoruba and do not deny they are yoruba, I dug a bit and I am finding out that my ancestral home is in Imo, but the creation of states puts me in Abia (thats fine). In south Arica you have Zulu's, just like you have in Zimbabwe and Estwasini, yoruba's in togo, benin etc.

    The marginalization within ourselves must be broken that we rise to our true potential, may God help us all. Nwannem you are doing a great Job that is divine and may God enable you, this is a project and every true son of the soil should support you; you have mine, may God bless us all.

  6. Nigeria is the only place where people are living in one place ,speaking one language and still deny that they are not one tribe ,which means something is wrong,brother NNAMEHN thank you for your great work.

  7. Have you ever heard a Scottish man say, "We're all one. All Scots are English."?

    Language similarity is not the determinant of origin. By the next generation, I'm sure Igbos will also be claiming the Ibanis, when their language becomes even more intertwined with Igbo.

    The Ogbas, Ibanis, and Ikwerres are not Igbos. It is not hatred, it is history. Life didn't start with the civil war.

    Stop calling a whole tribe lost because they choose to go with history instead of your desires.

  8. It is nothing wrong as some people say that it's only in the zoo where people live together, speak the same language, they still denied that they are not Igbo.. It is a well calculated planning and propaganda initiatives by the British and their Allied the Fulani carbals to dismantle, polluted, causing confusions ,hatred, disunity in order to tear a great Igbo race apart. So that it will be easier for them to continue suppress and oppressed the Igbos into perpetual slavery and totally submissions to their conquest of Fulanization of Ndi Igbo. Some of their elders, political appointees, warrant chief, traitors, selfish and greedy ones were bribe and bought over by the Zoo government to deceive and brainedwash their people that they are not Igbo . Even a Sevier mad person or insane person can never deny his or her relatives ,tall of a well cognitive person a, person with brain intact deny his i

  9. These things will always continue to bring up issues, the question is who are Igbos? What and where is the origin of Igbos? How come the name Igbo? What is the origin of the language Igbo? What unifies Igbos?

    Up till date there is no comprehensive history of the origin of Igbos that’s why you will always have this.

  10. Nnaa mehn, I get one idea on how we can united our people, it's to create a radio station where every speaking tribe in Igbo land will have slot to communicate on their own language, they can also do joint program where everyone of them can be speaking their language

  11. Ogba is not igbo. How can a grown man like this not know his history? It's actually a shame! I think he spent lots of time in the east so he believes his one. Even the oba of ogba will the you ogba is not igbo🥲


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