Exclusive Interview with the Enugu State Governor-Elect; Bar. Peter N. Mbah.


The very first exclusive interview with the governor-elect of Enugu state Barr. Peter Mbah . Watch to hear his plans and visions



  1. Very enlightening interview. We have never heard any governor of Enugu ever taking questions on private television or social media about his plans for the state. I can only wish Peter Mbah the very best. We have slept for too long. Time to wake up Igboland!

  2. Enugu is lucky to have this man as the governor. Dr Peter Mbah is the best thing that can happen to Ndi Enugu. From his explanation, you could see he is ready for the job. May God strengthens him and grants him the auction to function in the office as the governor of Enugu State.

  3. Barr Dr Peter Ndubuisi Mbah is fully prepared for this job. As a private sector person, the State will be run efficiently with speed and agility. We believe he will replicate the Pinnacle Oil and Gas Ltd miracle in Enugu State!!

  4. Lol, this guy sound deceptive from his tone. The election was free and fair. What? Your local govt, Nkanu East produced magical votes. Imagine 3 elections happening simultaneously HOA, Senate and governorship. Two produced 7k total votes cast each only governorship has about 19k votes and one BVAS was used for the 3 accreditation. See the free and fair. Mr. Peter Mbah. Anyone can buy into this your talk but it is cheap. Executive positions require Character more than competence, this is the guy that will be in charge of ENSIEC, do u think we will have credible local govt elections under this guy. You can't lay the foundations of any society in dishonesty. Chimaroke Nnamani is even more smarter than this guy but we still live with effect of his character deficiency, ebeano and thugs.

  5. I was a bit skeptical about your candidacy,not because I hate you in person but simply because of your association with Ebeano gang. However,your acceptance speech and subsequent speeches after been declared winner of the election made me change my opinion about your in coming administration.
    If you really want to achieve your dreams for ndi Enugu, adopt these followings:
    Adopt Sullivan's Chime approach to governance.
    Take firm charge of the affairs of Enugu. In other words,don't share Enugu money with anyone.
    I wish you well sir❤❤

  6. This man oozing with very transparent convincing evidence of his past achievements, articulate wisdom of right vision measurements and accuracy of determined fulfillment motives or objectives I'm impressed his vast knowledge of detailed programs information and transformation agenda. His passion is obviously infectious for a positive change for all.


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